  • 學位論文


Optimization of Polishing with Multiple Performance Characteristics using Power-Law Loss Function Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Analysis

指導教授 : 林燦榮


本研究應用冪次律損失函數田口方法結合灰關聯分析於304不銹鋼拋光製程中找尋中心線平均表面粗糙度(Ra)、最大表面粗糙度(Ry)、移除量、平坦度、光亮度的個別最佳拋光參數水準組合,以及多重品質的最佳拋光參數水準組合,並進行確認實驗與預測值相互比較。 實驗結果顯示,單一品質中心線平均表面粗糙度(Ra)的最佳拋光參數水準組合在n=1、2時為A2B2C2D1,在n=3、4時為A1B2C2D1,單一品質最大表面粗糙度(Ry)的最佳拋光參數水準組合在n=1時為A2B2C2D3,在n=2、3、4時為A2B2C2D1,單一品質移除量的最佳拋光參數水準組合在n=1、2、3、4時為A2B1C2D2,單一品質平坦度的最佳拋光參數水準組合在n=1、2、3、4時為A3B3C2D3,單一品質光亮度的最佳拋光參數水準組合在n=1、2、3、4時為A1B2C2D1,多重品質的最佳參數水準組合在n=1、2、3、4時為A2B2C2D1,經由確認實驗得到在n=1時誤差百分比為11.59%,在n=2時誤差百分比為13.51%,在n=3時誤差百分比為12.9%,在n=4時誤差百分比為11.99%,發現在n=1時誤差百分比最小。


In this study to search for surface roughness (Ra), surface roughness (Ry), removal rate, flatness, brightness of the individual levels combination and multiple performance characteristics levels combination of optimization polishing parameters on 304 stainless steel using power-law loss function Taguchi method and Grey relational analysis, and confirm experimental with predicted values are compared. Experimental results show, the optimal parameter levels combination of single quality surface roughness(Ra) is A2B2C2D1 when n=1、2, when n=3、4 is A1B2C2D1, the optimal parameter levels combination of single quality surface roughness(Ry) is A2B2C2D3 when n=1, when n=2、3、4 is A2B2C2D1, the optimal parameter levels combination of single quality Removal rate is A2B1C2D2 when n=1、2、3、4, the optimal parameter levels combination of single quality flatness is A3B3C2D3 when n=1、2、3、4, the optimal parameter levels combination of single quality brightness is A1B2C2D1 when n=1、2、3、4, the optimal parameter levels combination of multiple quality is A2B2C2D1 when n=1、2、3、4, by confirmed experiment gived the error percentage is 11.59% when n = 1, the error percentage is 13.51% when n=2, the error percentage is 12.9% when n=3, the error percentage is 11.99% when n=4, found the error percentage is minimum when n=1.


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