  • 學位論文


Effects of Using LINE Software on Students’ English Vocabulary Learning Motivation and Performance

指導教授 : 藍友烽


英語字彙是學習英文中很重要的議題,因為英文字彙是組成英文句子的重要元素之一,有豐富的研究支持即時通訊工具在學習上有著積極的效果,目前的大學生認為LINE是最流行的免費即時通訊工具,因此,本研究提出了使用LINE來學習英文字彙的學習方法,並探討大學生使用此方法後的學習成績、學習動機和學習滿意度,此創新學習活動被應用在英文字彙學習活動共三週的實驗時間,並且邀請了28位自願參加本實驗的大一學生, 28位學生平分成實驗組和控制組,實驗組是使用LINE學習英文字彙,控制組則是使用英文字彙卡來學習英文,在兩組實驗結束之後進行了獨立樣本t檢定的分析來比較實驗組和控制組在使用前和使用後的學習表現,此外,還進行了一份使用LINE學習英文字彙的動機和滿意度的問卷調查分析,並且採用半結構訪談來了解使用LINE的潛在效益,最後,根據實驗結果指出使用LINE學習英文字彙的學生比起使用字彙卡的學生有著更高的學習成績、學習動機和學習滿意度,此研究結果意味著提供即時通訊工具有著正面的效果,並且能夠進一步的改善他們的學習表現,而根據半結構訪談的結果發現學生很明確地指出使用LINE的學習方法可以增加學生的學習成績。


English vocabulary learning is a principal issue for English learning because vocabulary comprises the basic building blocks of English sentences. There was abundant empirical evidence supporting the positive effects of online social community systems as learning tools. Particularly, LINE is currently considered as the most popular free platform for mobile social community among university students. The purpose of this study is to investigate if university students consider LINE as a useful and meaningful learning tool to support their learning motivation and satisfaction of English vocabulary. A total of 28 freshman university students of the voluntary participation with an average age of nineteen were invited to join the experiment for a period of three weeks. After experiment, the study conducted a paired sampled T-test analysis to compare the difference between usage of LINE and usage of vocabulary card on students’ learning performance. Besides, an analysis of questionnaire survey in terms of motivation and satisfaction by using LINE learning English vocabulary was conducted. Furthermore, to understand the potential effectiveness of LINE, a semi-structured interview was conducted. According to the research results, it indicated that the students of using LINE have higher scores in terms of motivation, satisfaction and performance. The findings imply that providing a mobile community tool may motivate students’ learning and further improve their learning performance. The result of the semi-structured interview found that the students positively perceived the effectiveness of the pedagogical designs of the LINE on supporting the interesting of learning strategies and enhancing their learning performance.


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