  • 學位論文


Construct an Application Programming Interface Library with MFC to Read Diagnostic Describing Files

指導教授 : 朱存權
共同指導教授 : 褚文和


本文主要目的在於製作一可讀取載入以開放式診斷資料交換格式(Open Diagnostic data eXchange, 縮寫為ODX)所編寫的診斷描述文件之應用程式介面(API)函式庫,用以擷取現代車輛診斷工作所需要的各項資料,如診斷服務代碼(Service ID)、請求訊息(Request message)、正向回應訊息(Positive response)、負向回應訊息(Negative response)、診斷故障碼(Diagnostic trouble code, 縮寫為DTC)。本文係以Microsoft visual studio 2005之MFC函式庫撰寫專案,將上述功能分別製作為函式後,製作成動態連結檔(DLL)。從事車輛診斷工作者可將本研究製作的動態連結檔置入其他程式,並利用動態連結檔內的函式擷取ODX檔案內的資料,藉此對車輛進行故障排除與檢測。 研究結果顯示,本研究所開發之應用程式介面函式庫可以讀取任何符合ODX規範的診斷描述文件檔案,並擷取檔案中的車輛資訊,對於故障排除、各部元件診斷、模擬測試等工作均有相當的助益。


The main purpose of this research is to construct an Application Programming Interface(API) library for reading an Open Diagnostic data eXchange (ODX) file to extract the information that was used in vehicle diagnosis work, such as diagnostic service code (Service ID), request message, positive response message, negative response message, diagnostic trouble code (DTC). This program is edited in MFC project by using Microsoft visual studio 2005. These functions will be loaded into libraries, then integrated into dynamic linking files (DLL). Engineers of vehicle diagnostic work can load these dynamic linking files into other programs, and use the functions of API library to retrieve the diagnostic data from ODX file, for the vehicle troubleshooting and test. The results show that the Application Programming Interface(API) library can load diagnostic description files that meet ODX specifications, and retrieve vehicle information in the files. It will be very helpful for troubleshooting, ministries component diagnostics, simulation test.


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