  • 學位論文


Strength Design and Reinforcement for Bus Structure Body in Rollover

指導教授 : 林盛勇


由於近年來大客車事故頻傳,其中以車體翻覆引起的傷亡較為嚴重,而國內尚無大客車安全結構強度要求之相關法規規定,因此藉由歐洲經濟委員會(ECE),以R66法規做為車體結構設計之依據。 本文首先將原始大客車車體結構以有限元素法進行翻覆模擬分析,在翻覆過程中發現殘留空間已遭受到車體骨架大量的侵犯,表示原始大客車車體結構不合乎法規要求。接著以局部的車頂、側牆及地枕結構重新進行強度設計與分析,找出較為合適的結構設計型式,去改善其能量的吸收能力。除此之外,針對原始大客車車體結構易產生塑性鉸的區域,亦即車頂與立柱底部結構交接處進行補強。結構補強以相同的重量為基準,嘗試使用不同型式的設計並做模擬分析,目的在於減少應力的集中。最後,由於本大客車車體結構扭轉剛性略差,因此使用斜撐去做補強,從而減少車體在翻覆過程中所產生的扭轉現象。 綜合以上種種設計型式與補強之考量,將大客車做適當的結構改良設計,再次依ECE R66進行翻覆強度模擬分析,由翻覆過程中可發現殘留空間並未遭受車體骨架的侵犯,因此研判本改善與補強之車體為合格結構,且重量強度比提升約2.3倍。


Abstract In recent years the frequent bus accidents, which were more serious casualties by the body rollover. In our country, the bus safe structure strength is not relevant laws and regulations. Therefore, the body structure design and analysis of the rollover strength follow Economic Commission for Europe Regulations 66. In this paper, the first part was conduct original bus body structures strength analysis by the finite element method of rollover. In the rollover process, body skeleton will serious violations residual space. Represents the original body structure was not in line with regulatory requirements. Then anew conduct partial roof, side wall and floor pillow structure to strength design and analysis, find out more appropriate for the type of structure design, to improve the body structure of energy-absorb capacity. In addition to, on original bus body structure, easy for produces plastic hinge region, i.e., the intersection structure between roof and pillar bottom, in the same weight as the base, try using a different type of design, aimed at reducing the stress concentration phenomenon. Eventually, since the bus body structure is slightly worse of torsion rigidity, use the inclined beam to improve bus body structure of the torsion rigidity. In the rollover process, reducing generated of the bus body torsion phenomenon. Integrated all these design patterns and structure reinforcement, appropriate improvement bus structure by the design, once again for strength analysis by the ECE R66 standard. In the rollover process, bus body skeleton not violations residual space, as a result of this improvement and reinforcement of the body structure for qualified, then rise 2.3 times of the strength to weight ratio.


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