  • 學位論文


Numerical Analysis and Parameter Study of Chimney with Tuned Mass Damper

指導教授 : 駱正穎


本文討論加裝質量調整阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper TMD)對直立煙囪之振動行為的影響,本文利用有限元素法離散化模型計算等效質量,並依等效單自由度質量彈簧系統設計最佳的阻尼器彈簧常數與阻尼係數。並針對相關係以數值分析方式探討阻尼器設計參數對煙囪振動的影響。相關分析包含以諧振與暫態分析探討煙囪對單一頻率作用力之振動反應及煙囪對隨機作用力之振動反應。最後探討當阻尼器之彈簧常數為非線性時,非線性阻尼器彈簧對煙囪之振動影響,結果顯示,本次研究所討論之煙囪,以第一個振動模態下之共振反應最強烈,因此以模態1所設計之質量調整阻尼器是為較佳之選擇,而線性彈簧在輸入固定頻率下時,改善效果較非線性彈簧為佳。


This paper studies the vibration of a stack with a Tuned Mass Damper (TMD). The paper uses the Finite Element Method to discretize the problem domain. The optimal TMD is designed based on a single degree mass-spring system. The vibration response of the stack with TMD is observed in the harmonic and transient analysis to determine the efficiency of the TMD installed on the stack. The effects of TMD with linear and nonlinear spring constants are investigated and compared to each other. The results show that the mode 1 dominate the response of the stack. TMD designed based on the reduction of mode 1 resonance is a better choice. For specific spring constants used in our study, the TMD with a linear spring constant performs better than that with nonlinear one.


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