  • 學位論文


Development of Web Application Using R Language

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


近代以來,隨著科技不斷發展,觸發資料的轉換與傳遞,待處理的資料量因而呈現快速成長,衍生出巨量資料以及資料探勘之相關議題。如何發掘出隱含於資料中真正的價值,R語言絕對是方便又適合開發的工具,本研究利用R語言,發展出一套具備友善性及條列式設計之分析平台。透過系統性的方法,找出資料中有價值的特徵以及關聯性,進而再與其他資料交流互動,讓資訊得以確認與延伸。 最後,依據科技接受模型,針對所開發之分析平台,提出六個研究假說並製作回收問卷,再透過數據分析得到驗證。


In modern times, as technology continues to develop, conversion and transmission of data are triggered.The amount of data to be processed thus shows rapid growth, which leads to related topics of big data and data mining. To dig out the implicit real value in raw data, R language absolutely is the convenient and appropriate tool suitable for development. By using the R language, a user-friendly analysis platform with a bullet-point design is constructed in this study. Through a systematic method,valuable feature and association in raw data are collected and further interact with other information to acquire confirmation and extension. Finally, based on the technology acceptance model, six research hypotheses are proposed for the analysis platform developed in this study. A questionnaire is designed and distributed. The hypotheses are tested and verified through the analysis of the collected questionnaire data.


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