  • 學位論文


The development of traceability of fish in Taiwan-A study based on the perception of fish farmers

指導教授 : 胡智熊


隨著國民所得的提高,消費者對於水產品的重視準則已由價格轉向品質,且正值水產養殖業轉型與消費者意識抬頭之際,發展安全與優質的水產養殖產業,已成為我國漁業上最重要的議題之一。 為了提供新鮮、衛生及安全的水產品,保障生產者與消費者之權益,農委會在2004年開始逐步建構推動養殖水產品產銷履歷示範計畫,並引進歐盟及日本等先進國家優良養殖場(GAP)及飼養衛生管理規範,建立臺灣養殖水產品產銷履歷制度的相關措施。 政府正積極推動「優良養殖場(GAP)認證計畫」,作為產銷履歷之基礎,但經過三年來其通過認證者僅227戶,佔養殖戶比例約0.73%。甚至部份認證者取得認證後,因水產品之價格未能反映成本,對於該計畫失去信心,而未繼續執行生產相關記錄,導致產銷履歷制度推動成效不彰。 對於立意良好的水產品產銷履歷制度,為何難以推動,本研究利用訪談法從養殖業者的角度來探討,以分析其原因及未來可能解決之道。 研究結果得知在養殖水產品供應鏈體系中,養殖業者扮演一個生產者的重要角色,為建制完整的履歷系統,在長時間的生產過程中,需時時刻刻針對養殖作業加以記錄,以確保養殖場符合履歷規範,無形之中造成了時間與人力成本的增加,再加上水產品價格未能反映成本,因此養殖業者參與意願會受影響。政府應一方面加強透過集團式業者對養殖業者作協助,另一方面協助建立產銷履歷水產品之銷售管道,提升水產品產銷履歷之能見度,取得消費者認同,水產品價格自然會有所提升。


With the increase in national income, the focus that consumers stress has been changed from price to quality. Developing a safe and high quality aquaculture practice has become one of the most important issues in our national fishery. For providing fresh, hygienic and safe seafood, Council of Agriculture first introduced Good Aquaculture Practice (GAP) to construct and boost the demonstrating plan of seafood traceability. However, there were only 227 certificated fish farmers in three years, and which merely accounts for 0.73% in terms of all fish farmers. Even some certificated fish farmers were disappointed about this project because the price of seafood can not reflect cost. Hence, some of those fish farmers stopped executing GAP. Finally, Council of Agriculture gave up the GAP plan, and proposed a new structure of the seafood traceability system. This study aims to explore the problems of the seafood traceability system from the aspect of fish farmers, and to analyze the reasons and ways to solve them in the future. The research shows that fish farmers play an important role as the producer in the seafood supply chain. In order to construct traceability system, fish farmers need to record aquaculture work in the long-term producing process to assure that the aquaculture practice accords with the restriction of traceability. However, extra work did not pay off and it would affect the fish farmers’ desire to join this project. For the success of the seafood traceability system, the government could reinforce assistance to fish farmers by group entrepreneurs. On the other hand, the government could assist to construct the selling channels of certificated seafood and help consumers to differentiate certificated seafood from non-certificated seafood. Eventually, the price of certificated seafood would rise and fish farmers would like to join the seafood traceability system.


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