  • 學位論文


The Relationships Among Food Attraction, Service Quality and Loyalty – as a Case of Orz Shrimp Club

指導教授 : 梁大慶


飲食除了供給人們生理上的需求外,更具有一定程度的吸引力,人們在從事餐食觀光時,最主要的目的在於參觀食物一級或二級的生產區、也可能是參與食物的慶典、或到餐廳品嚐食物,以及經歷食品生產的過程等相關活動,而隨著國內農村的轉型與國人旅行型態的改變,近年來吹起了一股農村旅遊之風潮,其中除了賞玩農村外,更不免俗的食在農村,不僅提供遊客除了餐館外的用餐地點,更間接提供了農產品行銷之路徑,為此不少企業、團體紛紛進入農村社區,無論是看中商機或是為解決台灣農業發展,皆有助於永續台灣的農村發展,然而面對這股風潮如何成功吸引消費者成為重要課題之一,除了餐食美味與否外,所提供的服務品質也相對重要,本研究將以好蝦冏男社為對象,發放280份問卷,共回收238份,有效問卷為238份,有效問卷回收率為85%,以結構方程式進行研究分析,餐食吸引力、服務品質、忠誠度為研究構面,研究結果如下:(1) 餐食吸引力具顯著正向影響忠誠度,但不顯著,以好蝦冏男社為例,其遊客的忠誠度不一定為再次到訪,而是以重購商品居多,顯然是因為其無毒白蝦之特色,而使得遊客重購該商品,可見提高餐食吸引力具有提升農漁產品的產值;(2) 服務品質具顯著正向影響忠誠度,以好蝦冏男社而言,當服務品質的品質越低,那麼其忠誠度也會隨之下降,初期階段需加強培養與規劃,其服務品質;(3) 服務品質具顯著正向影響餐食吸引力,做為餐食主軸之農村旅遊,不單只是餐食需要經過規劃,其服務品質也需要良好的規劃,才能提升其吸引力,誘導遊客前往;(4) 餐食吸引力對於服務品質與忠誠度之間具有部分的中介效果效果,但不顯著,在發展農村旅遊時,除了發展服務品質外,能需要加強其餐食的吸引力,找出其特色性,可加強遊客的忠誠度,使得餐食產業能夠更加永續性。


In addition to satisfying human physical needs, diet even has a certain degree of attractiveness. When people engage in culinary tourism, the main purpose is to visit primary or secondary food production sectors, participate in culinary celebrations, or taste food at restaurants and experience activities related to the process of food production. With domestic rural transformation and the change in travel styles of people within the country, there has been a trend of rural tourism in recent years. In addition to visiting and having fun in rural villages, eating in rural villages is also an inevitable convention. This trend not only provides tourists dining locations other than restaurants, but also indirectly creates ways for marketing produce, for which many enterprises and groups enter rural communities. Whether taking advantage of business opportunities or providing solutions to Taiwanese agricultural development, it is entirely beneficial to sustainable rural development in Taiwan. However, in face of this trend, how to capture consumers’ attention has become one of the important issues. In addition to the delicacy of meals, the quality of service provided is relatively crucial. This study took Orz Shrimp Club as the subject. SPSS and AMOS were utilized to conduct analysis, with meal attractiveness, service quality, and loyalty as the dimensions of research. The research results are as follows: (1) while meal attractiveness exerted a positive effect on [customer] loyalty, it was not statistically significant; (2) service quality exerted a positive effect on [customer] loyalty; (3) service quality exerted a positive effect on meal attractiveness.


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