  • 學位論文

LED 塑膠鏡片成形参數對投影光形優化之研究

LED Plastic Lens Injection Molding and Projection Optimized Parameters Research

指導教授 : 林瑞璋


近年來由於LED照明燈發展迅速,高功率LED發光效率逐漸取代傳統光源,加上綠色節能環保意識抬頭,節能省電的LED照明漸漸成為市場的主流。 本研究主要為LED LENS射出成型中參數條件變化對於LED照明投光流明值之影響:(1)其實驗選用材料為日本帝人PC L1225Y,(2)利用基礎實驗參數條件與電腦輔助模流分析(Moldex 3D)進行模擬分析,找出初步的射出成型條件實驗參數值,(3)實驗方法為採用數位照度計以每間隔5度為量測位置,其分析各角度的量測數值是否符合照度的品質特性規範(LED透過塑膠LENS投光流明照度。光形設計角度位置流明值需達光形中心流明值的一半及公差範圍在±10度內),(4)以田口實驗方式作為最佳化參數之實驗架構,理想目標為望目品質特性,依實驗結果可得:進料溫度290 °C、螺桿轉速30 RPM、射出速度4/ 1.5/ 5 mm/S 、射出壓力1800 kg/cm^2、保壓壓力1300/1200/500 kg/cm^2、保壓時間5/3/1秒、模具溫度110 °C、冷卻時間25 秒為最佳化製程條件,其品質特性及統合誤差(S/N)達99.7%與93%的信心水準,並依預測值與實驗值的照度數據呈現相當穩定並在設計公差範圍內,更確定此參數條件為L20 Lens的最佳化製程參數。


Because of the fast growing development in LED lighting technology, the traditional lighting sources have slowly been replaced by the high efficiency LED lights in recent years. With the push from wide-accepted energy conservation movement, the highly efficient LED lightings have gradually become dominated in the lighting market. This research focused on how injected molding parameters affect a LED light’s illuminance: (1) The experiment chose PanliteR L1225Y by Teijin Chemical Ltd. for LED lens material. (2) The initial injection molding parameters were determined by the simulation on Moldex 3D with basic experimental parameters and conditions. (3) The experiment used a lux meter to measure the illuminance at five degree interval for a total of forty degree range. The measurements were compared to the LED lighting quality standard. (LED light projects through a plastic lens. The standard specifies that within the designed lighting range, the illuminance has to be at least half of the illuminance at the lighting center with ±10 degree tolerance. (4) The experiment parameters were optimized through Taguchi methods in on-target situation. The experiment yielded the following injection molding parameters: injection temperature 290 °C, screw rotation speed 30RPM, injection speed 4/ 1.5/ 5 mm/S, injection pressure 1800 kg/cm^2, packing pressure 1300/1200/500 kg/cm^2, packing duration 5/3/1 seconds, tooling temperature 110 °C, cooling time 25 seconds. These parameters produced highest quality lens with signal to noise ratio (S/N) of 99.7% and 93% confidence. Also, the simulated results corresponded closely to the experiment results that also confirmed the injection molding parameters were the best production parameters for L20 Lens.


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