  • 學位論文


The Effects of Story Garden Integrated with Shared-book Reading Instruction Strategy for Primary Grade Students

指導教授 : 吳純慧


閱讀教育和資訊教育是我國國小課程的重點。教育部鼓勵低年級教師將資訊科技運用於教學過程中,藉以引起學習者的興趣;並推行「悅讀101」,鼓勵小一學生閱讀繪本。然而,閱讀能力的培養,需要有效的教學策略。因此,本研究旨在了解繪本花園結合分享式閱讀教學策略的教學和傳統式閱讀教學兩種不同教學模式下,對國小低年級學生在閱讀理解學習成效上的影響。本研究採準實驗研究法,研究對象為國小一年級學生,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組,分別進行前、後測,接著再針對實驗組學生進行繪本花園融入閱讀教學學生學習意見調查表。將以上結果進行SPSS統計分析,來評估兩種教學模式下,兩組學生在後測分數上的差異情形。所得的資料經描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定和單因子共變數分析,得到以下結果: 繪本花園結合分享式閱讀教學策略的教學和傳統式閱讀教學均能增加閱讀的學習成效;接受不同教學方法的學生,在閱讀理解測驗的後測分數具有顯著性差異;不同能力水準的學生在閱讀理解測驗的後測分數大部分有顯著性的差異存在;相同能力水準的學生,在接受不同的教學方法下,其閱讀理解測驗的後測分數大部分有顯著差異。 在實驗組學生學習意見調查表之結果方面,學生對於繪本花園融入閱讀教學多持正面肯定的態度,認為繪本花園融入閱讀教學有助於提升學習興趣與學習成效。此外,大部分的學生都同意他們的閱讀理解成績有進步,上課比以前更為專注,對於閱讀學習也變得比較有自信。最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以提供教師教學與未來研究的參考。


Reading education and information education is the emphasis of our primary school curriculum. Ministry of Education encourage the primary grade teachers to use information technology in instruction process, in order to arouse the learner's interest; and carry out the"pleasure reading 101" to urge the primary grade students to read picture books. However, the training of reading ability needs effective instruction strategies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the effects of story garden integrated with shared-book instruction strategy and traditional reading instruction on reading comprehension for primary grade students. Quasi-experimental research method is adopted in this study. The experimental samples were the first grade students of a elementary school. One class was used as the experimental group and received shared-book instruction and assessment. The other class was the control group. Both groups received pre-test and post-test on reading comprehension test. And the experimental group filled in the learning opinion survey on story garden integrated into reading instruction. Two instruction models were analyzed by SPSS statistical analysis to evaluate the post-test score difference between students in two groups. The data was examined by descriptive statistics, paired- samples t-test, and one-way analysis of covariance. The results are as follows: Both different teaching methods can increase the learning effect of reading comprehension; there is significant difference on the post-test score of reading comprehension achievement for different teaching method; there is significant difference on the post-test score of reading comprehension achievement for students of different ability level; there is significant difference on the post-test score of reading comprehension achievement for students of same ability level who are taught with different teaching method. Results of learning opinion survey for students in experimental group are as follows: most students of the experimental group hold positive opinion toward the story garden integrated into reading instruction. They believe that it could enhance their learning interest and the effectiveness of learning. And most students agree that their reading comprehension achievement has improved, they also become more absorbed in reading lessons than before. Furthermore, they are more confident on the learning of reading. Finally according to research results, some suggestions are proposed for teachers and future studies.


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