  • 學位論文


The Influence of On-line Game Self-efficacy and Creative Self-efficacy on Creative Performance

指導教授 : 孫春在


本研究旨在探討遊戲中,玩家的遊戲自我效能與創意自我效能對創意表現的影響。實驗設計第一階段以183名新竹市國一學生為研究樣本進行遊戲自我效能與創意自我效能兩個量表施測,第二階段再以其中157名進行個人道具賽分組遊戲與遊戲後的創意表現實驗,本研究的創意表現為產品取向的設計,評量創意向度為流暢力、變通力及獨創力三者,再以量化分析所得實驗數據。   其研究結果顯示:(1)玩家的遊戲自我效能與使用道具行為次數有正相關;(2) 玩家的遊戲自我效能與創意表現無顯著相關,進一步將玩家分為有與沒有玩過此款遊戲兩種,發現有玩過之玩家只有「流暢力」有正相關,沒有玩過之玩家則有「流暢力」及「獨創力」兩個向度有正相關;(3)玩家的創意自我效能與創意表現有正相關,進一步將玩家分為有與沒有玩過此款遊戲兩種,發現有玩過之玩家「流暢力」、「變通力」及「獨創力」都有正相關,沒有玩過之玩家則有的「流暢力」及「獨創力」有正相關;(4)玩家在遊戲中使用道具行為次數與創意表現無顯著相關。最後,本研究根據研究所得資料進行分析與進一步討論,並提出未來研究之相關建議。


The main purpose of this research is to find out how players’ On-line Game Self-efficacy and Creative Self-efficacy influence their Creative Performance. First, we took 183 7th grade students in Hsinchu City as testers to do the two tests- On-line Game Self-efficacy and Creative Self-efficacy. Second, we picked 157 students and played a group game based on individual props contests, besides, we also did an experiment about creativity after the game. The creativity of this research lies on product-oriented design, and the assessment criteria are fluency, flexibility and originality. Finally, we will get the data according to the quantity analysis.   The research shows: (1) Players’ On-line Game Self-efficacy has positive correlation with the frequency they use props. (2) Players’ On-line Game Self-efficacy doesn’t have apparent correlation with Creative Self-efficacy. (3) Players’ On-line Game Self-efficacy has positive correlation with Creative Performance. And furthermore, we divided players in two parts- ever and never-played. We found that ever-played players have positive correlation with Fluency, Flexibility and Originality while never-played players have positive correlation with Fluency and Originality. (4) There’s no clear correlation between Creative Performance and the frequency players used in this game. At last, we discussed and analyzed according to the result of this research and brought up some related suggestions.


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