  • 學位論文


Explore the impact of pure matching and carry over web-based learning content on 5th grade students’ scientific concept construction and analogical reasoning ability

指導教授 : 佘曉清


本研究目的有二,首先是在建構「視覺成像」概念的網路類比學習情境,其次則是在探討純粹比對類比(pure matching)與傳達屬性類比(carry over)對學生之類比推理能力與視覺成像概念建構的影響。 本研究採用準實驗設計,研究對象為新竹市某國小五年級六個班級的學生,總共190人。依研究設計分為三組教學模式,其中純粹比對類比組採用純粹比對類比架構的網路類比學習模式、傳達屬性類比組採用傳達屬性類比架構的網路類比學習模式、對照組則採用傳統講述式教學模式,三組教學模式皆涵蓋了相同的課程內容。並於教學前、後與追蹤,實施視覺成像概念建構測驗、視覺成像概念主題相依類比推理測驗與科學推理測驗,以比較其學習上的差異。另外,對純粹比對類比組與傳達屬性類比組的學生,進行視覺成像概念訪談,以針對其視覺成像概念建構、科學推理層級與類比推理層級進行分析。最後,再針對純粹比對類比組與傳達屬性類比組的學生,於網路課程類比學習歷程之概念建構與類比學習步驟進行分析。 研究結果顯示,在視覺成像概念建構測驗方面,純粹比對類比組與傳達屬性類比組,均顯著優於傳統講述式教學的學生。其次,在視覺成像主題相依類比推理測驗方面,純粹比對類比組顯著優於傳統講述式教學的學生,而傳達屬性類比組學生也優於傳統講述式教學的學生,只是差異未達顯著。最後,在科學推理測驗方面,純粹比對類比組優於傳達屬性類比組與傳統講述式教學的學生,但皆未達顯著性差異。發現純粹比對類比與傳達屬性類比視覺成像網路課程類比教學,對於促進學習成效與學習的保留效果,都較傳統講述式教學來的好。至於類比推理能力的提昇上,純粹比對類比較傳達屬性類比與傳統講述式教學更具優勢。 訪談分析的結果顯示,無論是純粹比對類比組或傳達屬性類比組的學生,其在正確概念分數、科學推理層級與類比推理層級的提昇,皆表現出明顯的學習效果。網路之類比學習歷程的分析結果顯示純粹比對類比組與傳達屬性類比組的學生,其在概念建構的學習效果未達顯著差異,但在類比學習歷程上,相較於傳達屬性類比教學模式,純粹比對類比教學模式對於學生具有較佳的學習優勢。


This study explored the impact of analogical reasoning (pure matching and carry over) web-based learning content on 5th grade students’ analogical reasoning ability and scientific concept construction involving the formation of image and structure of eye. The quasi- experimental design was used in this study. A total of 190 fifth-grade students from six classes of an elementary school at Hsin-Chu City were involved in the study. Students were assigned into three different groups who received pure matching analogical reasoning web-based learning content (pure matching group), carry over analogical reasoning web-based learning content(carry over group), and conventional instruction (control group), respectively. The same content were covered in these groups. Three different tests were administered to all of students which are scientific conception test, content dependent analogical reasoning test and scientific reasoning test. In addition, the pre-, post-, and retention interviews results were analyzed according to the categories of concept construction, levels of scientific reasoning and analogical reasoning for pure matching group and carry over group. The web-based learning process also were analyzed according to the aspects of concept construction and analogical learning steps. Results indicate that pure matching group and the carry over group significantly outperformed than control group in scientific conception test on both immediate effect and retaining effect. Pure matching group significantly outperformed than control group in their analogical reasoning test. In terms of the scientific reasoning ability, it shows that there is no significant difference among pure matching, carry over and control group. These findings demonstrate that both pure matching and carry over instruction indeed foster students’ concept construction than conventional instruction. Regarding to the analogical reasoning ability, it seems that pure matching is superior than carry over and conventional instruction. The results of students’ interviews were further analyzed according to the dimensions of scores of correct conceptions, the levels of scientific reasoning and content dependent analogical reasoning for both pure matching and carry over group students. It also shows that pure matching and carry over groups’ perform about the same in their web-based concept construction, however, pure matching group is superior than carry over group in the analogical learning steps.




