  • 學位論文


Scaffolds in Digital Games and Their Impacts on Player's Concept Mapping and Design Creativity

指導教授 : 孫春在 林珊如


鷹架常被運用在數位遊戲以協助玩家不致於卡關,讓玩家在遊戲當中獲得成就感。本研究以「Crayon Physics Deluxe」為遊戲環境,將該遊戲的鷹架分為「提供示範」和「關鍵特徵」兩種,藉由遊戲中不同的鷹架輔助,以觀察鷹架對受試者在知識習得過程中的影響。 本研究依進行遊戲與否及所使用鷹架的不同,將國中八年級受試學生分為:無遊戲組、無鷹架組、提供示範鷹架組、關鍵特徵鷹架組共四組。在研究中主要透過概念圖的前後測來檢驗結構性知識的習得;而程序性知識的習得,則以受試者在遊戲過後自行設計的關卡作品所展現之創造力的五個向度作為觀察分析的依據。 由概念圖測驗結果可知將鷹架運用於數位遊戲中有助於受試者在知識習得過程中結構性知識的增強,且關鍵特徵鷹架對受試者的知識概念聯結能力較之提供示範鷹架能更為顯著地提升。此外,由創造歷程各向度的評量結果可發現,由於任務關卡需要實際的動手操作,不斷操作可協助內化已學之結構性知識,進而將其轉化為程序性知識。受試者在設計關卡階段運用已內化之程序性知識,可設計出能引導過關之物件及路線,使得關鍵特徵組在創造歷程的敏覺向度方面表現較佳;而提供示範組則在創造歷程的變通向度方面表現較佳。


Scaffolding is usually employed in digital games so that players can pass the challenges in the game more easily and obtain a sense of achievement. The game used in my study is Crayon Physics Deluxe, in which players use physics-related knowledge to solve puzzles. I divide the scaffolds in the game into scaffolds for demonstration and scaffolds for marking critical features. Through the assistance of different kinds of scaffolds, I explore how scaffolding affects knowledge acquisition by the target students. The target students are the eighth-graders in a junior high school. Based on whether to play Crayon Physics Deluxe and what kinds of scaffolds are employed, the target students are randomly divided into four groups: Those without the digital games, those without the scaffolding, those with the scaffolding for demonstration, and those with the scaffolding for marking critical feature. In order to evaluate students’ ability to connect abstract concepts, I design two tests of concept mapping in my study. One is taken before the target students play the Crayon Physics Deluxe, and the other after their playing the game. In addition, for evaluating the students’ creativity, they are asked to create their own game after solving all the puzzles in Crayon Physics Deluxe, and the games they design are evaluated based on quantitative data. The data is analyzed according to five aspects in terms of creativity: sensitivity, fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. According to the results of my experiments, I find out four worthwhile points to mention as follows: First, playing Crayon Physics Deluxe does help the target students to connect the abstract concepts while doing the concept mapping. Moreover, I find out that the target students who play the game with the scaffolding for marking critical feature perform better than those who with the scaffolding for demonstration. Second, the frequency that the target students apply the scaffolding is not obviously distinctive across groups; however, those who employ the scaffolding for demonstration spend less time to pass the tests in the game than those who employ the scaffolding for marking critical features. Third, while playing Crayon Physics Deluxe, the designing sensitivity of those who play with the scaffolding for marking critical feature is much better than those who play without any scaffolding; the designing flexibility of those who play with the scaffolding for demonstration is far better than those who play without any scaffolding. Lastly, the target students with the scaffolding for demonstration spend less time to pass the tests in Crayon Physics Deluxe than those who play with the scaffolding for marking critical features. Therefore, the scaffolding for demonstration does help the target students to play the game.


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許志煇(2015)。應用鷹架概念構圖於混合式學習成效之研究 -以工程倫理課程為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614035211
