  • 學位論文


High-throughput enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the determination of protein tyrosine sulfation

指導教授 : 楊裕雄




Protein tyrosine sulfation, catalyzed by tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST), is a prevalent post-translational modification (PTM). Most secreted and transmembrane spanning proteins, which transit a trans-Golgi network, are likely to be sulfated. Protein sulfation regulates numerous physiological and pathological processes including hemostasis regulation, leukocyte trafficking, and viral infection by changing the strength of protein-protein interaction. Accordingly, it is crucial to develop a facile platform to comprehensively determine TPST enzyme activity and examine the sulfated protein. Traditional protocols for detecting of protein tyrosine sulfation involve tedious radioactive labeling and mass spectrum. However, the costly isotope source and even the extremely labile sulfate group on the tyrosine residue under acidic condition are the concerns for high-throughput analysis. In this study, I combined PAPSS-coupled TPST catalyzed reaction with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using GST-PSGL-1 as a substrate and developed a novel method for the detection of protein tyrosine sulfation. This method offered high sensitivity, high throughput, and savings in time and costs under the optimal condition. We are employing this assay system to discover TPST substrates, inhibitors and analyze protein-protein interaction. Furthermore, we may integrate our system to the protein chip experiments for the proteomics study in the future.


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