  • 學位論文


Improving coastal and atoll tide models using satellite altimetry

指導教授 : 黃金維




衛星測高 殘餘潮汐 NAO99b 波形重定 島礁 南海


Predicting ocean tidal heights is important in oceanography, fishery and military. Conventional methods use tide gauge data and hydrodynamic equations to model ocean tides. Satellite altimetry has long been used to ocean tide modeling. The study area covers the East China Sea, South China Sea and Taiwan from 100°to 132°E and from 0°to 32°N. First, we use a subwaveform retracking algorithm to improve ranging precisions of satellite altimeter measurements (for only Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2, Envisat and SARAL/AltiKa). A residual tidal height is the difference between an altimeter-observed sea surface height and the sum of the NAO99b tidal height and the EGM08 geoidal height. Using residual tidal heights from 7 altimeter missions, we determine tidal harmonic coefficients relative to NAO99b using the least-squares method. The sum of the residual tide model and NAO99b is the NCTU ocean tide model. We assess the NCTU and NAO99b tide models at 21 tide gauge station. At 18 stations, the NCTU model is improved over NAO99b, with an average improvement rate of 21%. The improvement is attributed to the use of the long-term altimeter data and waveform retracking. We analyze the tidal characteristics around 27 atolls, showing tidal ranges useful for correcting land covers in satellite images.


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