  • 學位論文


Development of Groundwater Modeling Support System Based on Service-oriented Architecture

指導教授 : 張良正


地下水數值模擬目前已成為地下水資源評估及管理上的必備步驟,目前雖有不少單機版本的模式建置前輔助軟體,惟多數單機輔助軟體多無資料與模擬成果集中管理與網路分享的功能,以致目前每個模擬案例,皆是獨立完成,因此不論是單位內部或是跨單位間,皆難以做到地下水資料與知識(模擬案例)有系統的集中管理與再利用。故本研究乃以服務導向架構為基礎,以使用率最高之MODFLOW模式為核心,結合資料庫與各種建模輔助之Web Service,發展一個資料與成果集中管理,且能在網路上共同使用之網路共用型地下水建模輔助系統。本系統提供地下水各項水文地質調查與觀測資料的資料倉儲、地下水模式輔助建置系統、MODFLOW輸入檔與Shapefile互轉、地下水流模擬模式與專家系統參數檢定等五項服務來輔助研究人員建置模式。本系統採用服務導向架構建構,並透過Web Service來實作各輔助功能,目前已可有效的提供遠端建模輔助,由於系統具有高度延伸彈性,後續可以此建模輔助為核心,擴充建置情境模擬分析及知識庫管理等,以更有效的集中管理各個寶貴的模擬案例,並使各模擬案例知識能被再利用。


Groundwater simulation has become an essential step on the groundwater resources management and assessment. There are many stand-alone pre and post processing software packages to alleviate the model simulation loading, but the stand-alone software do not consider centralized management of data and simulation results neither do they provide network sharing function. The model buildings are still implemented independently case to case when using these packages. Hence, it is difficult to share and reuse the data and knowledge (simulation cases) systematically within or across companies. Therefore, this study develops a centralized and network based groundwater model developing system to assist model simulation. The system is based on service-oriented architecture and allows remote user to develop their modeling cases on internet. The data and cases (knowledge) are thus easy to manage centralized. MODFLOW is the modeling engine of the system, which is the most popular groundwater model in the world. The system provides groundwater observations data warehouse, MODFLOW Support Service, MODFLOW Input File & Shapefile Convert Service, MODFLOW Service, and Expert System Service to assist researchers to build models. Since the system architecture is service-oriented, it is scalable and flexible. The system can be easily extended to include the scenarios analysis and knowledge management to facilitate the reuse of groundwater modeling knowledge.


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