  • 學位論文


Detection of the Dengue Virus DNA Hybridization and Specificity by ARROW-B SPR Biosensors

指導教授 : 袁俊傑 崔秉鉞




In this study, we detected dengue virus DNA hybridization and specificity by using antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide B (ARROW-B) surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors. In contrast to traditional fluorescence techniques, our sensor has many advantages including label-free, real-time, low cost and rapid process. DNA hybridization analysis, based on the complementary base pairing of target and probe DNAs, has become increasingly important in diagnostic applications, but traditional techniques are complicated and spend more time. For this reason, we hope to provide a better platform to detection with ARROW-B SPR sensors. This sensor was configured with a liquid flow channel which assists bioagents in attaching to the gold surface for reaction. When we injected different reagents into the chamber, it caused the changes of effective index, giving rise to variations of light power. The dengue virus DNA probe (DENV-P) was modified with a thiol group at one end to achieve effective immobilization on the Au surface, while the dengue virus DNA target (DENV-T) utilized the complementary sequence to bind to the immobilized probe. Besides, we utilized Oligos to conduct non-specific binding test to verify the specificity of DNA hybridization. In summary, the measurement results have shown that ARROW-B SPR biosensors could be applied to detect the dengue virus DNA hybridization and specificity in real time.


ARROW-B SPR Biosensor Dengue Virus DNA Hybridization


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