  • 學位論文


Cost-effective Assessment of Green Energy:A Case Study of Andante Wind Power Generator

指導教授 : 白曛綾


「哥本哈根協議」確認了持續「京都議定書」與「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」的雙軌制,全球對應氣候變化的中期目標,將設定為控制工業化以來,溫度上升的幅度在攝氏2度以內。因此,全球實施減排,就必須推廣以再生能源取代現行能源。再生能源包括風力、水力、太陽能及潮汐能,其中,風力發電技術已趨成熟及商業化的應用。近年來,風力發電機的裝置容量快速成長,已能有效扮演分散式、補助性能源的角色,對能源及環保的貢獻相當重要。 本研究主要探討風力發電機的成本效益評估,並以春風發電機示範系統為案例,針對此系統運轉七年的操作紀錄,進行投資成本、溫室氣體減量成果、推廣教育成果、故障原因等分析,並且將風力發電機各項理論值與實際運轉值進行比較。 研究結果顯示,針對春風發電機示範系統的實際案例,如果沒有政府補助投資,依現行台電電價基準,並不符投資效益;如果有輔助投資,則具有投資效益。若徵收碳稅以達溫室氣體減量之效果,則依每噸碳稅600元之基準,每度電價的成本,經計算可再降0.382元。在故障原因的分析部分,主要是電氣類問題所造成,而國內對故障維修與運轉率的能力不足,因此有必要提昇維修與備品研發的技術。根據各項理論值與實際運轉值的分析結果,顯示建置初期各項實際運轉值都符合理論值,但是由各地區域性風速的平均值與風力發電機最大發電量之關係,顯示風力發電機若設置規模不恰當時,將造成其可利用率不高,因此後續評估建置風力發電必須審慎考量,避免投資浪費。


According to the Copenhagen Accord, as the medium-term objective of global response to climate change is that the increase in global temperature should be below 2 degrees Celsius since the Industrial Revolution began in 1750. Therefore, the global implementation for the mitigation actions shall be to promote renewable energy such as wind power . This rapid growth of installed capacity of wind turbines in recent years has been able to play the role of decentralized and subsidy. This study focused on cost-benefit assessment of wind turbines. With a case study of Andante Wind Power Generator which has been running for seven years, The results indicated that the investment returns is inconsistent according to the current TPC electricity price if the government subsidy is edforced. By contrast, it had investment return after government provides assistance. In addition, the cost of electricity price could have a reduction of NT$ 0.382 per unit if government collects carbon taxes on Greenhouse gas emissions of NT$ 600 per ton. For the study of malfunction causes of wind turbines, the show main causes were due to electric problems. Finally, according to the comparison between theoretical and actual operating values it indicates that the difference can be ignored. However, the maximum power generation of wind turbine depends on the average wind speed. Regional wind speed in Taiwan may indicate the low availability of wind as a power source, therefore, follow-up assessment on wind power energy must be careful to avoid invalid investment.


3.European Wind Energy Association, “Wind energy and job creation in theEU”,7頁,民國98年11月下載,http://www.ewea.org/index.php?id=1588。


