  • 學位論文


The improvement and simulation of a variable Savonius wind turbine

指導教授 : 鄭璧瑩


本文係針對賽渥紐氏(Savonius)風力發電機之葉輪調整及控制機構進行改良設計與模擬,藉由電腦模擬掌握葉輪機構之動態行為,使風車設計者預知葉輪之運動狀態,並找出風車於高速時可改善扭矩值週期性變化之參數。 研究初期利用UG NX建構出一個具動態調整葉輪受風面積之(Savonius)型式風車模型,並將風車模型轉入MSC.ADAMS軟體中進行機械系統動態模擬分析。其動態模擬時欲輸入葉片位移量與風速之關係數值,則藉由製作等尺寸之葉片可調整受風面積之風車實體模型,於風洞之中進行實驗與數值量測取得。後續則藉由風洞實驗及動態模擬所產出之數據,規畫應用於結合有(Savonius)及達拉斯(Darrieus)之混合型風力機上,建立(Savonius)風車葉片開度、靜態扭矩及轉速之關係,透過MSC.ADAMS對改良型之(Savonius)葉片位移調整機構進行動態模擬,並模擬葉片位移控制機構能於轉速上升時,使葉片逐漸位移至受風面積較小之位置,以降低葉片對系統產生之週期性扭矩、風力擾動及對傳動系統造成之週期性震動及噪音等問題,以提高新型組合式風力發電機之運轉效率。


The purpose of this thesis is to build a variable Savonius wind turbine model and perform the motion simulation and design. In motion simulation part, we used UG NX to model a Savonius wind turbin with variable blade and exported this model into ADAMS. And ADAMS can generate a graphics output file which may be to view an animation of the motion simulation. The analysis results compared with wind tunnel experiment ,and ADAMS are obtained good agreements in this case. The experimental method was developed to measures the reaction torque and rpm varying with angle of rotation. It is useful for the construction of the methodology of designing and analysis mode for wind turbine blades.


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