  • 學位論文

透過駕駛員重新排班降低交通事故風險: 以國道客運為例

Reducing Traffic Crash Risk through Driver Rescheduling:A Case Study on Intercity Bus Drivers

指導教授 : 吳昆峯




In Taiwan, crashes which involve intercity bus are usually with lots of injuries and deaths. Both the government and the intercity bus companies want to avoid crash. Previous research pointed out that crashes can be reduced by well-designed scheduling. But only limited of studies combining analysis about different scheduling’s crash risk and how to reschedule. This research combines these two parts, so that when dealing with other kind of driving environment or work context, our study can still be implemented to reduce crash risk. We use 1-year departure and crash database provided by the case study intercity bus company. The study can be divided into 3 questions. (1)How to categorize scheduling and how would this part affect our analysis? (2) Which kinds of scheduling are more dangerous than others? (3) How to rescheduling? The results showed that working at midnight or afternoon in two consecutive days and not beginning working in the evening after 24 hours rest are more dangerous than other scheduling. And rescheduling can reduce about 30% number of crashes without changing bus timetable.


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