  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林文政


國內資訊電子產業已逐步轉型至知識密集及技術密集,使得知識已成為該產業獲取競爭優勢的主要來源。組織所擁有的知識大部份是存在於人力資本中,因此,公司必須透過各項人力資源管理活動從事人力資本的投資,以提昇人力資本的素質,蓄積人力資源的價值。 從成本效益觀點而言,公司希望對員工投資所增加額外的費用與機會成本,能夠有效地增進人力資本的水準,以提昇企業的競爭優勢,進而創造組織績效。因此,本研究目的即在探討公司對人力資本投資是否會影響人力資本水準;其次,探討人力資本是否能創造組織績效;最後,探討人力資本投資是否透過人力資本這個機制,才對組織績效產生影響。 本研究以國內資訊電子產業上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,主要是透過問卷調查蒐集資料,問卷總共發出251份,有效回收份數為105份,有效回收率為41.83%。 研究結果顯示,除員工平均訓練費用外,人力資本投資對人力資本有顯著的正向影響;其次,人力資本對組織績效亦有顯著的正向影響;最後,員工平均受訓時數對於每股盈餘與淨值報酬率的影響是透過人力資本這個機制的轉換而發生的;人力資源獲取與發展措施亦是透過人力資本這個機制,才對淨值報酬率與資產報酬率產生影響的。


The information and electronics industry in Taiwan has gradually transformed to the technology- and knowledge-intensive type, which makes knowledge the criticial source to obtain competitive advantages in this industry. Since knowledge of organizations reside mostly in human capital, companies must undertake human capital investments to enhance the quality of human capital and accumulate the value of human resources through human resource management activities. From cost-benefit point of view, companies expect to improve the level of human capital, enhance competitive advantages and drive organizational performance with additional expenditures and opportunity costs on employee investments. Accordingly, the objectives of the study are to find out whether human capital investments will influence the level of human capital, whether human capital is related to organizational performance, and whether human capital will mediate the relationship between human capital investments and organizational performance. The survey questionnaire was administered to 251 Taiwan information-electronics TSE (Taiwan-Stock-Exchange) and OTC (Over-the-Counter) companies, with105 valid survey questionnaires receieved. The results indicate that human capital investments have significantly positive influence on human capital, besides average training expenditures per employee. In addition, human capital is significantly influential to organizational performance. Finally, the effects of average training hours per employee on earnings per share and return on equity operate through human capital, from which the acquistion and development practice of HR also derive the effect on return on equity and return on asset.


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