  • 學位論文


The research of superlattice structural hard coating

指導教授 : 李正中


近年來,光學鏡頭的的需求量日漸增加,為了量產性,以及良率的考量,模造技術越來越被重視,而為了降低成本,硬膜披覆技術就越來越重要,但是如何製造高模造次數的硬膜,就是本實驗所以要研究的方向。 一般的硬膜批覆技術,依材料的不同,可分為三種,類鑽碳、氮化物以及貴金屬硬膜,而在材料與製程的考量下,一般的玻璃模造技術還是以貴金屬硬膜為主,而貴金屬硬膜的研究主要是在混合比例上,這方面的研究已有相當的規模,但是在實際上,模造次數還是無法有效的提升,因此本實驗針對改變製程方式作進一步的研究。 而研究結果顯示,就相同的合金比而言,不同的製程參數,如加熱、離子助鍍、超晶格結構、退火等都會對於膜本身的機械特性有影響,其中又以超晶格結構的製程方式對於硬膜的機械特性影響最大,而在實際上的模造次數上也有相關的印證。


硬膜 超晶格


In recent years, demand of optical lens increased day by day. For quantity producing and products quality, the molding technology is being paid attention to. And consider for lower costs, the hard coating technology is more and more important. But how to coat hard film that had high molding times, it is that we want study. The general hard coating technology, according to material different, can divide into three kinds, diamond like carbon, nitride and noble metal hard films. Consider for fabrication and material, the noble metal is the general material of hard coating for glass molding. And the research of the hard coating of noble metal focused on mixed proportion, that’s already had lots of this research. But actuality, the times of glass molding is still unable to improvement. So we do further research on changing fabrication. The results revealed that the same alloy ratio, on different experiment parameters, such as heat, ion assisted deposition, superlattice structure, anneal, etc. had influence on the mechanical characteristic of hard coating. And the Superlattice structure had most influential to the mechanical characteristic of hard coating.


Superlattice Hard Coating


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