  • 學位論文


Using Objective Potential Index from SSM/I Data to Analyze Typhoon Intensity Change

指導教授 : 劉振榮


颱風在海洋上面移動時,能量主要來自於海洋,了解海氣間的交互作用有助於我們掌握颱風強度的變化。 本研究使用SSM/I觀測資料求取客觀潛力指數(Objective Potential Index; OPI),並用以分析2004年的熱帶氣旋,藉此了解海氣交互作用對於颱風強度變化的影響,以期找出一個有助於了解颱風強度變化的參考指標。 研究結果顯示:OPI與颱風強度的時序分析上,顯示兩者之間具有明顯的相關性,若在考慮季節上的差異,結果顯示2月到9月的個案有較佳的相關性且不受颱風強度種類 (Category) 的影響 (相關係數約為0.6),隱含利用OPI於颱風強度的分析上有季節上使用的限制。造成這個結果的原因,除了OPI反演係數所造成的影響外,9月以後颱風天氣型態的不同也有可能為原因之一。整體而言,本研究顯示OPI具有對颱風強度變化上的監測潛力,值得進一步地探討。


Air-sea interactions play an important role in typhoon intensity changes. An investigation is presented to delineate the impacts of the air-sea interaction on the typhoon intensity changes via the Objective Potential Index (OPI). The index is derived from SSM/I data, where an analysis is conducted on the tropical cyclones that occurred in 2004. A time series analysis was performed between the OPI and typhoon intensity, along with the plotting of distribution figures during the development of a typhoon. It can be seen that a better relationship seemed of exist between the OPI and typhoon intensity changes during February to September, regardless of the typhoon category (the correlation coefficient is about 0.6). This could imply that the application of an OPI analysis on typhoons may need further modifications due to the seasonal influence. Factors contributing to this phenomenon may be attributed to the calculation errors arising from the OPI weighting function, or the different inherent seasonal weather types of typhoons. Basically, this study demonstrates that the OPI index possess potential in monitoring typhoon intensity changes.


SSM/I typhoon intensity change OPI


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