  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李瑞全


生物科技的發展,使得人類進一步解開生命的謎題,同時,也不可免地改變人類對生命、醫療、價值等觀念,在醫學研究方面,基因治療的發展使得許多不是現行發病的病人也可能成為病人,改變我們對於疾病的定義與對人類生命本身的理解。基因療法主要有兩類,其一是體細胞治療,所有的干預修飾都在體細胞內,基因的改變不會傳遞給子代;其二是生殖細胞治療,在精子、卵或受精卵中進行遺傳質改變,這些變化將傳遞給後代。瓦特、龐門(Leroy Walters & Julie Gage Palmer)等學者所採取的觀點是--即體細胞基因治療僅只是傳統療法的進一步擴大化,而非另類的嶄新療法。生殖細胞基因治療因為能改變缺陷基因,徹底杜絕遺傳疾病或是可能醫治其他人們束手無策的重大疾病而廣受注目。未來的病人在疾病尚未發生以前,疾病就已經被根治了。甚至於他的後代在未來也都不會再帶有這些有缺陷的基因。 辛格認為為人父母希望小孩有最佳的立足點,可有三種模式:第一,透過試管內受精,在植入前做篩檢;第二,產前期診斷和選擇性墮胎;第三,他們從優良的人那取得卵子、精子或胎兒,本文即依此探討產前篩選與生殖細胞基因治療所引發的道德爭議,尋找道德上可接受的論據。辛格為功利主義者,依此為進路我們藉此瞭解功利主義的理論內容、原則,並瞭解他對身心障礙者的看法。第三章介紹疾病的定義而衍伸出基因疾病也能適用的定義,進而治療。基因治療的種類及消極、積極基因治療的界線問題,基因增強、優生學也是我們的重點。而辛格對於產前篩選與基因選擇的論據而推出他對生殖細胞基因治療的可能看法;最後討論生殖細胞基因治療的正反兩面爭議,及辛格對反對論據之回應。


The development of bio technology, make hum an beings solve to th e mystery of the life and change human beings concept of the life , medical treatment, value, etc. Development of gene therapy make a lot o f future patients that have illness might become current patients in med ical research and change us to the definition of the disease. Gene therapy h as two kinds: the first therapy is the somatic cell gene therapy, changed of the gene will not be transmitted to the sublings. The second therapy is germ-line cell gene therapy, changed the hereditary quality to change in the sperm, ovum or zygote. Leroy Walters& Julie Gage Palmer' s view, that somatic cell gene therapy is expanding of traditional treatme nt. Because germ-line cell gene therapy can change the defect gene and stop th e hereditary disease to subli ngs. The future patient is radical cured before the disease has not taken place . Yet their sublings cann''t happen defective genes in future. Singer think, parents already do their best to influence the environmental factors that undoubtedly also play a part in shaping these characteristics. They can now influence genetic factors as well as environmental ones , in one of three ways . By using in vitro fertilization, they can have the embryo screened before implantation ; they can use prenatal diagnosis and selective abortion ; and they can obtain eggs , sperm or embryos from people they regard as genetically superior . According to reasons, we discuss prenatal genetic screening and germ-line ce ll gene therapy to cause morals dispute with loo king for the acc eptable argumen t . Singer is an utilitarian. We will realize his theory and his view to the han dicapped person. Chapter 3 introduced the defini tion of the disease that the gen e disease can be suitable, and then treat. The kind of gene therapy, gene enhanc ement and eugenics are our focal points. S inger argues to prenatal geneti c screening and gene selection to presume germ-line cell gene therapy. Finally, we discuss the dispute of germ-line cell gene t herapy and Singer' s response Key words: genetic malady, somat ic cell gene therapy, germ-line cell gene therapy , preference utilitarianism, principle of equal conside ration of interest,genetic enhancement, e ugenics, prenatal ge netic screening, abor tion, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, sanctity of life, slippery slope argument, the life commercialized.


李瑞全,2003,<生命倫理學五十年>(下),《鵝湖月刊》331 期,台北:鵝湖,


