  • 學位論文


Teacher''s and Students'' Perspectives on Bingo Game

指導教授 : 陳德懷


本研究為接續先前廖惠鈞的EduBingo (Liao, 2005) 研究,EduBingo是一套用於國小分數技巧熟練的學習系統。在EduBingo的環境裡,每一個學生都擁有一台支援無線上網的行動學習載具去參與各式的學習活動,從先前的研究中發現學生在透過進行賓果遊戲後,於數學學習上的動機、興趣、專注力以及集中力都有所提升,且所有的學生都能投入於練習數學上。由於老師端的題目編輯系統缺乏一個更有彈性的教材編輯系統,以讓老師可以彈性地設計多樣化的題目,所以本研究針對題目編輯系統進行流程規劃 和操作介面的流暢性進行改良設計。同時,隨著科技的進步,資訊工具的體積越來越小、功能越來越強、計算能力越來越快及容量越來越大的趨勢下,科技裝置的設置及使用在未來將變得無所不在。因此,擴展EduBingo系統平台至以手持裝置為基礎的Personal Digital Assistance (PDA) 平台,以邁向無所不在的學習 (Ubiquitous Learning)。 為了評估系統設計與活動的可用性,研究對象主要以二十六位國小三年級學童以及一位老師為主,採問卷量表與訪談方式參與實驗做觀察與探討。研究問題針對此系統是否可以增加老師在課堂上對學生的了解以及是否可以減少老師的工作負擔?比較於數學練習上在傳統練習活動和EduBingo系統有何不一樣之處?學生對賓果式遊戲的練習活動持有的觀點為何?


This study bases on a previous research called EduBingo (Liao, 2005), a bingo-like game aiming at providing elementary school children a highly motivating and engaging environment for mathematics skill building in fraction. The concept of the entire EduBingo is mainly derived by Bingo game. In EduBingo environment, each student has a computing device with wireless capabilities to participate in learning activities. The purpose lies in enabling each student to do the exercise with EduBingo, and teacher is to be a coordinator in the learning activity of EduBingo. It was found that there was an increase in the level of motivation, interests, focus and concentration in students while playing the bingo game. However, we need to extend the question editor for the teacher and to design a great diversity of questions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fraction, etc. by the teacher. Meaning while with the advances in technology and proliferation of computers in small device, there is now an opportunity to apply a new learning environment in traditional classroom. In this study, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was employed for data collection and analysis. Findings showed that EduBingo could really arouse students’ learning motivation, and improve their mathematics skills building. In addition, students and teacher were quite positive towards to the use of EduBingo and some helpful suggestions were raised.


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