  • 學位論文


Design and Preliminary Evaluation of Teacher Monitoring System for Self-Paced Learning in One-to-One Classroom

指導教授 : 陳德懷


由於每位學生的學習能力各有不同,因而學習的速度也有所差異。教師在教室內若要照顧到每位學生,必須掌握每位學生的學習狀態,但是要馬上掌握每位學生的學習狀態,對於教師來說有點困難,因此,本研究目的為設計一個能夠讓教師立即掌握學生目前的學習狀態的教師監控系統 (teacher monitoring system),教師藉由此監控系統來觀看學生目前的學習狀態,並且當學生學習遇到問題時,教師可以藉由系統提供的資訊,來給予學生適當的協助。本研究經由教師對本系統教學使用後,透過教師的觀點,來對此系統做一個初步評估,在此次的評估上,發現教師監控系統的確對教師掌握學生狀態有所幫助,但是許多功能對於教師在此次實驗教學,未能發揮出其功效,而教師也在此次的系統評估上,給予研究者相當不錯系統與教學的建議,而研究者也將依此次的評估後的結果,作為系統未來改進的目標。


As a result of the difference of every student’s learning ability, each student’s learning pace is different from each other. Suppose a teacher wants to assist all classroom students in self paced learning, one should get all students’ learning status promptly. It is laborious and difficult for a teacher to get all students’ learning status in a short time. Hence, the purpose of the thesis is to design a teacher monitoring system to facilitate teachers to know well about the learning status of each student. The monitoring system could help teachers to collect data such as answers from students, time used in answering questions, and so on. An experiment was conducted to investigate the usability of the teacher monitoring system. The result has revealed that a teacher could easily inspect the quantified data provided by the teacher monitoring system, but some functions of the system were not used frequently in the experiment. The participant teacher in this experiment gave several beneficial suggestions about the monitoring system. The further improvement of the monitoring system will be explored in the future according to these suggestions collected from this study.


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