  • 學位論文


Sources of work stress and performance in Greater China: The moderating effects of coping strategies

指導教授 : 陸洛


近年來產業環境的急遽變動及組織推動變革之盛行,其所帶來無形的工作壓力以及造成工作績效危害之隱憂,已成為企業界所關心之議題。有鑑於此,本研究主要是針對兩岸三地(香港、台灣及大陸)的員工為研究對象,共施測了380位受訪者,並討論在不同地區下,工作壓力來源對工作績效所造成之影響。同時聚焦於工作壓力歷程中因應策略的使用,並討論其對工作壓力來源及工作績效間的調節作用。 研究結果顯示,工作壓力過程的主要效果在兩岸三地均得到初步的證實,但在影響程度的強弱上則有地區性的差異:工作壓力來源確實對工作績效產生負面的影響,且對香港樣本而言尤其顯著;在因應策略方面,除「消極順應」之因應策略外,因應方式使用頻率愈多,工作績效愈高的假設亦被證實,且此關係在台灣樣本中最為明顯,香港樣本則以「消極順應」與「工作績效」間之負相關最為顯著。 最後,在因應策略之調節效果中發現,台灣樣本使用「再評估」的因應策略惡化了「工作不確定性」與「同儕關係」的負向關係。雖然此調節效果在未來的研究中仍需進一步的去複製與驗證,但其結果已點出了在華人集體主義的社會裡,各種因應策略在工作壓力過程中確實扮演著重要的角色。


The aim of the research was to explore relations between various sources of work stress and work performance, in the cultural context of Chinese societies in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Mainland. Specifically, we also explored the possible effects of using various types of coping strategies in buffering the noxious impact of work stress. Using structured questionnaires, a total sample of 380 full-time employees in the three regions were surveyed. Analyses revealed that for Chinese employees in all three regions, the main nexus of work stress – work performance was established uniformly: various sources of work stress were all related to depressed work performance. The main effect of coping efforts on work performance was also found for all three samples: the more exertion of coping efforts was generally related to enhanced work performance, with the only exception of using “passive adaptive behaviors” as a coping strategy. However, some regional differences were noted. The damaging effect of work stress on performance was most pronounced for employees in Hong Kong. The beneficial effect of coping was most pronounced for employees in Taiwan, whereas the damaging effect of using “passive adaptive behaviors” as a coping strategy was most pronounced for employees in Hong Kong. More importantly, we found that using “reappraisal” as a coping strategy actually exacerbated the noxious effect of “job insecurity” as a work stress on performance as indicated by “peer relation” for employees in Taiwan. Although this moderating effect needs further replication in future studies, it serves to underline the specificity issue of the role of various coping strategies in the work stress process for Chinese employees working in the collectivistic culture.


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