  • 學位論文


Agent-based Protocol for Fair Trading in Grid Computing

指導教授 : 林熙禎


有鑑於寬頻網路與高效能個人電腦漸趨普及,當今網格計算之實行條件已日益成熟;而網格環境內眾多節點需仰賴適當調配機制消弭網格資源間與日俱增之供需落差,以最大化資源利用效益並加速網格規模之擴展。 本研究即以網格資源交易情境為背景,藉強化式隨機部分盲簽章電子現金技術及公平文件交換協定改善現有網格付款系統無法保障資源消費者權益之缺失;冀建構適用網格計算環境且安全公平之資源交易機制,以促進各節點參與網格經濟運作之意願。 本研究提出之交易機制符合惡意第三方無法介入系統流程及資源供需雙方同時獲取應得交換標的之安全性與公平性要求,並支援彈性便利之電子付款方式且僅需極低網格運算平台佈署整合成本;本文將詳述其流程設計細節並進行協定分析,佐以系統架構之效能量測統計證明該交易機制亦具實作可行性與應用合理性。


Due to the growing scale of Grid economy based on popularized broadband internet and high performance personal computers, exchanging of valuable documents like computing result for a resource trading payment between service consumer and service provider has become more and more important for Grid environment today. This has motivated us to propose a new protocol for fair resource trading between Grid service consumer and Grid service provider with the assistance of a Grid bank and an off-line trusted third party. The main contributions of our protocol are threefold. First, it offers not only good security but also true fairness. Secondly, it supports secure and convenient payment by using reinforced randomized RSA-based partially blind signature scheme for electronic cash. Thirdly, it is adapted for Grid middleware like Globus Toolkit with only few integrating cost. In this paper we state the assumptions employed for our protocol design, define the protocol using an off-line recovery method, exam its security and fairness, measure executing performance than finally outline our conclusion with some future works.


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