  • 學位論文


Development of Multiaxial Dynamic High Flexion Knee Wear Simulator

指導教授 : 林上智


本論文主要研究目的重點是開發高度彎曲運動型式之膝關節多軸向動態磨耗試驗機,由於目前尚無標準規範訂立高度彎曲運動型式的運動數據,所以蒐集相關量測高彎曲度的研究文獻,自行彙整了一套膝關節高彎曲度的運動學數據資料;同時也開發正常步態運動型式的膝關節磨耗試驗機,期許未來可分別透過這兩種運動型式對目前主流的PS型人工膝關節進行磨耗測試,評估其使用壽命。 膝關節磨耗試驗機的機構設計最主要是以逆向設計的理念來規劃;其模擬運動型式結果由人工股骨與人工脛骨輸出運動軌跡,藉由這輸出結果反向的往輸入端推進,在希望可以由馬達輸入定速轉速的情況下,透過凸輪機構來達到輸出端所預期的結果;利用動態模擬分析軟體(CAE)求得運動型式之運動軌跡,將其封閉的運動軌跡透過CAD軟體繪製符合運動型式的凸輪機構。膝關節的彎曲與伸展和前後向位移運動由凸輪機構來表現其運動軌跡,內轉與外轉的運動型式直接由馬達來控制;其機構設計的建立透過動態模擬分析的結果與預期的結果相當接近;證明以逆向設計理念的機構比正向設計的機構較能準確的掌握運動型式之運動軌跡,提供更符合膝關節運動型式的模擬磨耗測試空間。


This dissertation deal with development of multiaxial dynamic high flexion knee wear simulator. The high flexion motion form has not established the standard yet. We searched for research with regard to measure knee in high flexion motion and build set of kinematics data. Simultaneously development of normal gait knee wear simulator. The normal gait motion form used ISO 14243 standard profile. Input normal gait profile and high flexion profile to simulator is provided by known data. It simulated the gait cycle and squat down of human knee movement. The knee wear simulator typically applies flexion-extension, internal-external rotation,anterior-posterior displacement and axial load. The main concept of the reverse design that compelled motion trace of femoral component and tibial component attain to expect results. First, used computer-aided engineering (CAE) software obtained closed motion trace. Second, trace transform draft and grow substantiation by computer-aided design (CAD) software. The closed irregular shape is the cams that conform to motion profile. The cam mechanism can indeed represent the motion trace. It have two station can test two knee prostheses simultaneously. The posterior stabilized knee prosthesis is popular recently that we estimate wear situation and lifespan.


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