

「小曲」體例,在明代獨樹一格。興起之初在鄉野間廣泛流傳,之後進入城市,成為都市娛樂生活的重要部分。 文人注意到小曲風靡大眾的魅力。除了採集、編輯小曲集子之外,更進而創作,使今日可見的明代小曲留下令後世驚嘆的大量資料。 明代小曲的流行與都市中頻繁的商業與娛樂活動密切相關。由明代小曲的內容,可窺見明代市民生活的種種。包括男女情愛帶來的喜怒哀樂、民間生活的不同面相、廣大民眾由衷的心聲,都如實反映在這些作品中。 此外,透過不同的修辭與形式,小曲展現其在明代極其通俗、卻也極生動的一面,而能切中民眾心中所思,終能廣為流布,蔚為大觀。


小曲 明代


"Ditty" style, develop a style of one''s own in Ming Dynasty.The beginning of rise spreads extensively in the country wild, getting into city after, becoming city amusement the importance part of the life. Therefore, the scholar notices ditty to become popular the charm of the public.In addition to collect, compiling ditty to gather son to create outside and then, make today it is thus clear that of Ming Dynasty ditty leave to make the future generations is surprised to sigh of a great deal of data. The multifarious business and the amusement activity is closely related in fad and city of Ming Dynasty ditty.Can peep what citizen live of seeing the Ming Dynasty by the content of the ditty of Ming Dynasty various.Include the loving, anger, saddness, and happiness that men and women''s love brings, each civil stratum lives of various face readings, large people common true feelings etc., all if reflect actually in these works. In addition, through the different rhetoric and the form, ditty''s emerging in Ming Dynasty it is very and popular, but also very vivid of on facing, and can slice in people''s true feelings, eventually ability widely for flow cloth.


Ming Dynasty Ditty


〈論明清俗曲興盛發展之原由〉 徐元勇,《西安音樂學院學報》,第22卷第2期,2003年6月。
《水東日記》 葉盛,臺灣學生書局,1986年出版。
《中國民間文學》 高國藩著,臺灣學生書局,1995年出版。
《馮夢龍纂評時調民歌美學研究》 劉淑娟,台灣師範大學國文研究所博士論文,2004年。
《馮夢龍所輯民歌之風俗研究》 賴慧真,臺灣師範大學碩士論文,1999年。

