  • 學位論文


From Construction Industry Act to profession engineering manufacturer management - take water-proof works industry as example

指導教授 : 林志棟


「營造業法」將營造業分成三類,「營造業」、「專業營造業」及「土木包工業」,而其中「專業營造業」即是攸關公共安全之專業工程業者,明確其法律依據加強管理及輔導,並規定廠商應自「營造業法」實施日起二年內申請設立為「專業營造業」,否則將無法繼續經營「專業工程」項目。但時至今日仍未見主管機關落實此一規定,日後要落實執行勢必會對現有專業工程廠商生態及經營造成重大衝擊。 故本研究將以防水工程業為例,探討營造業法實施後對專業工程廠商經營發展的影響。透過對營造業從業人員的問卷調查,探討專業營造設立制度對專業工程廠商所衍生適法問題及防水工程業現況經營管理問題。依據問卷調查結果擬定提升廠商經營績效策略與問題改善對策,最後提出法令修正建議,供政府日後修訂相關法規參考。 此外,本研究除期盼主管機關能會同相關公(協)會協調修訂有關專業營造業承攬法規,以保障「專業營造業」工作權益。亦希望政府能積極輔導相關從業人員取得專業技術士證照,且有條件放寬 「專業營造業」之專任工程人員得由「甲級技術士」替代,以貼近廠商實際需求。藉以提升專業工程廠商之專業技術,促進廠商朝專業化經營與增進整體營造工程品質。


“Construction Industry Act” is divided into three parts, which are “comprehensive construction enterprises”, “specialized construction enterprises” and “civil engineering contractors”﹐“specialized construction enterprises” is linked to public safety and professional engineering operator, we fix the law and make the manufacturers operating professional works supplemented or altered under Subparagraph 13, Article 8 shall apply for renewal within 2 years commencing from announcement。But up to this day has still not saw direct office practicable this a stipulation. The focus of my research is based on the examining of water-proof works industry, by inquiring practice behind “Construction Industry Act” to specialize manufacturer developing affection。In order to declare legal and management problem and present the situation, I then categorize questionnaire survey of the constriction workers。 Finally, I will attempt to re-assess the value of direct office in the conjunction relationship with related industry, enterprises and indemnification, for the “specialized construction enterprises” works rights and interests。Also I draw out the advices to hope our government can active professional technology certification and broaden “specialized construction enterprises” for full-time engineer by “technician Grade A” to match the manufacturers actual requirement。It will be of promoting professional manufacturer''s technology and enhance the statute of engineering quality.




