  • 學位論文


Studies of Chang Shyue-Cheng’s Feminine Historiography

指導教授 : 丁亞傑


近年來,由於兩性平等觀念的提倡與普及,女性意識的逐漸抬頭,有關女性議題的研究蔚為顯學,而中國婦女史的相關研究更是蓬勃發展。本文研究傳統中國的婦女史,以章學誠所撰寫之方志列女傳及女性傳文為研究範疇,考量到人物所處時代的侷限性,為避免以女性主義角度切入造成過度批判,因此在研究推展上,以中國文化特質為基礎,並結合章學誠之學術思想脈絡,以探討其女性史觀。 章學誠在方志學上之地位已為世人所肯定,觀察他在方志列女傳中之寫作史法,無論在記錄之法、蒐錄之法及稱謂之法,都可見他不拘泥於世俗的創新觀念及尊重女性主體性的態度。經由觀察這些女性事蹟,更深入探討寡婦守節與撫孤、孝事翁姑之關連、列女節行所顯現之異象、列女激烈行為表現、列女之女性特質等議題,藉由這些女性在歷史中留下的身影,以了解傳統中國的婦女處境與行為模式。 另以章學誠之思想為背景,探討在其思想脈絡下,對他撰寫女性史傳之影響及關連,筆者標舉出章學誠的婦學論、經世史學觀及史德觀,與他在史傳中所展現的對女性教育的態度、對女性價值的肯定、對女性的關懷與同情等觀念交叉比對,經由此論證的過程,賦予章學誠的女性史觀更深刻、更豐富的時代意義。


章學誠 婦女史 女性史觀 列女傳 方志


In the recent years, with respect to the promotion or popularity for the increasing significant concepts of “Gender Equity” and “Feminine Gender Consciousness”, the research topics related to feminism or feminine senses become more important and hot issues in the world. For this reason, the “Chinese Feminine History” has been therefore more popular and well developed now. The main objectives of the present studies for the traditional “Chinese Women’s History” are based on the research topics of Chang Shyue-Cheng’s publications of “Feminine Biography”, “Local Historical Document”, and “Feminism Biography”. Considering the limitation or confinement of the historical background for the described characters and the prevention of over-criticism using the thinking aspects or angles of radical feminism for this study, the discussion and investigation of “Feminine Historiography” development are also derived from on the characteristics of Chinese culture and combination with the thread of academic thought. The excellent academic position and achievement of Chang Shyue-Cheng in the field of “Local Historical Document” has been recognized and confirmed. From the surveys of outstanding Chang Shyue-Cheng’s historical writing skills in “Local Historical Document” of Feminism, recording techniques, collection methods, and the styles of appellation or titles, the creative concepts of unrestrained non-secularism and respectful attitudes of “Feminine Subjectivism” are notably observed. In order to deeply understand the issues for the stern chastity of a widow after the dead of her husband, fostering the children without father, relationship of taking care of parents-in-law obediently, abnormal phenomena resulted from the behaviors of women with severe chastity, radical actions of women with austere chastity, and the characteristics of women with Feminism, the cautious observation of feminine deeds or achievements are performed and studied. In addition, according to the historical deeds of these mentioned women, the situation or circumstances of traditional Chinese women and the behavioral intention or models are also therefore understood. Moreover, investigating of the thread of academic thought based on Chang Shyue-Cheng’s opinions or achievement related to the effect and relationship of his writing for “Feminine Historiography”. The author lists and marks some statements or exposition of Chang Shyue-Cheng’s publications including the argumentation of “Feminine Thesis”, “Era Scriptural Historiography”, “Moral Historiography”, attitude of feminine education in the development of historiography, affirmation of “Feminine Value”, and comparison or contrast using intersecting with the concepts of sympathy or showing solicitude for women. According to the process of demonstration or proof for this historiography, the “Feminine Historiography” of Chang Shyue-Cheng is further given or provided for more thorough and fruitful meaning of “Feminine Historiography” in this epoch eventually.


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