  • 學位論文


The study of the female in Minnan proverbs and Hakka proverbs

指導教授 : 李國俊


本論文以《臺灣閩客諺語中的女性研究》為題,內容環繞著“臺灣閩南諺語”、“臺灣客家諺語”及“女性”三個方面。論述重點以“女性的生命歷程”為 “經”,臺灣閩客諺語為“緯”,於每個女性議題中置入相關的臺灣閩客諺語,使“臺灣閩客諺語”與“女性的一生”相互交織成一張綿密的網,藉由這張網,試圖反映臺灣傳統女性的生活樣貌。論文共分六章: 第一章:緒論 第一節闡述本論文寫作動機與目的;第二節整理前人對於諺語研究的相關成果;第三節說明本論文的研究方法;第四節則探討本論文之研究範疇。 第二章:從臺灣閩客諺語看女性的婚前生活 本章主要藉由臺灣閩客諺語,闡述女性婚前的家庭教育及擇偶條件。 第三章:女性婚後的親屬互動 本章探討女性新婚後的夫妻相處、婆媳相處、與家族其他成員的相處及其與娘家的互動。 第四章:女性婚後的生養責任 本章論述女性傳宗接代的使命、生產過程的辛苦,及為母後對下一代的養育、教育情況。 第五章:臺灣閩客諺語呈現的女性地位 第一節說明女性於家庭中的地位。在瀰漫「男尊女卑」觀念的傳統社會中,女性在家庭中的地位低落,女性唯有靠產子,甚至熬成婆後,才能握有家中權力而提高地位,而「招贅」卻是女性於家中的地位高於男性的特例。 第二節闡述女性於社會中的地位。在傳統的父權社會中,存在許多貶抑女性的諺語,無論是對女性能力與價值的質疑、個性的批判,或是對某些特殊身分女性的貶抑,都於此節加以探析。 第六章:結論


This thesis takes “ The study of the female in Minnan proverbs and Hakka proverbs “ as the topic.The content is surrounding “Taiwanese Minnan proverbs”,”Taiwanese Hakka proverbs”and “female” three aspects . The elaborative points are “Feminine life course”and “Taiwanese Minnan proverbs and Taiwanese Hakka proverbs”. Post the relevant Minnan proverbs and Hakka proverbs in each feminine subject and make “Taiwanese Minnan proverbs and Taiwanese Hakka proverbs” and ”Feminine life” interweave each other into a closed net.Because of this net,attemp to reflect the traditional feminine life appearance in Taiwan.The thesis is divided six chapters: Chapter One:Introduction Elaborate the writing motive and purpose of the thesis in Section One. Reorganize the researchful achievement of the proverbs in Section Two. Explain the researchful techniques in Section Three. Discuss the researchful boundary of this thesis in Section Four. Chapter Two:Assimilate the feminine pre-marital life by Minnan proverbs and Hakka proverbs This chapter uses Taiwanese Minnan proverbs and Taiwanese Hakka proverbs to elaborate the feminine antenuptial home education and choose the conditions of spouse . Chapter Three:The relative interaction of the women after marriage This chapter mentions the realation of husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the other kinsfolk,and the interaction with her mother. Chapter Four:The feminine responsibility in the child rearing and education after marriage This chapter elaborates the birthing vocation of the female and the child rearing and education after the female being a mother. Chapter Five:The feminine status in Taiwanese, Minnan proverbs and Taiwanese Hakka proverbs Explain the feminine status in family in Section One, the feminine status in society in Section Two. Chapter Six:Conclusion


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林少尹(2013)。性別平等法規範與父權社會規範之角力 -以民法子女姓氏約定制度為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2211201316564761
