  • 學位論文


Young children’s metacognition in the context of telling a written story

指導教授 : 辜玉旻




This study examined young children’s metacognition ( i.e., monitoring, revising ) during the construction of telling a written story. Participants were 24 preschoolers from the same kindergarten and 12 first graders from the same class. Each child was asked to tell a written story for the scribe to write down. The metacognitive revising utterances surrounding the stories were identified and quantified. These stories were also analyzed for their holistic cohesion and coherence. One of each child’s parents was asked to fill out a questionnaire to report their parent-child share book reading experience to examine its relationship to the child’s metacognitive revising ability. Results of this study showed 1) these children’s metacognitive revising quality was different in three ages, 2) there was a significant relationship between metacognitive revising quality and the quality of the dictated story, and 3) the high-demand strategy during the parent-child share book reading was the best predictor of the children’s metacognitive revising quality.


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