  • 學位論文


Legitimate Reason Explanation of Outlaws of the Marsh: Analysis from the View Points of Human Nature, Power and Symbols

指導教授 : 王邦雄


本文試圖回答梁山泊好漢究竟是盜匪還是英雄?以及《水滸傳》之所以被視為悲劇的原因。為了回答這兩個問題,本文採取中國義理學以及西方文化研究理論對舉的研究方法,歸納出人性、權力、符號等三個面向來討論。論文共分六章。 第一章:緒論。說明前人研究成果、研究動機與目的、研究範圍與名詞界定及研究方法等等。 第二章:〈《水滸傳》文化研究的論述基礎〉。為了先對這個流傳了四百多年的《水滸傳》有基本的認識,論文第二章從《水滸》故事的流傳演變、版本的發展和差異,來說明本文看待《水滸》的角度,肯定它處在虛實之間的特殊性格。 第三章:〈《水滸傳》的倫理析義〉。主要採用西方倫理學對「正義」和「幸福」的理解作為分析的理論基礎。在「正義」部份主要從社會規範的禮法衝突去看《水滸》人物的行為是否符合「替天行道」的價值。在「幸福」的部份則是希望探究《水滸》人物在社會處境中的價值判斷,進而說明梁山泊如何從《水滸》人物寄託理想的天堂到如同烏托邦般的瓦解過程。 第四章:〈《水滸傳》的身體隱喻〉。本章採用西方的身體論述,並比較中國儒道的身體觀,用來檢視身體在《水滸傳》裡如何成為一個文化符號,被權力加諸其上而無法掙脫。這章將討論水滸人物的身體被賦予了什麼樣的文化意涵;並以米歇爾•傅柯權力內化的理論為論述基礎,分析《水滸》人物從「逼上梁山」到「招安」過程中和朝廷權力關係的變化。 第五章:〈《水滸傳》的「殺人」意涵〉。本章則是採取符號學的詮釋方法,對於「殺人」和「性別」這二個爭議的問題作符號的詮釋和解讀,將水滸傳中引起爭議的殘酷「殺人」行徑和對「淫婦」的殘忍對待方式做一釐清,這樣的「殺人」描述不論在情節推動上或是突出《水滸》人物的價值觀上都有重要意義。 第六章:對本論文做一回顧,並對所提出「英雄--盜匪」的主要問題做出歸納和判斷,以及從小說情節、接受心理以及人格類型論述《水滸傳》的悲劇性格。 本文認為由於《水滸傳》體現了複雜的現實世界,以及人性的各個不同面向。梁山泊好漢究竟是英雄還是盜匪的問題,從小說情節中,不能得到肯定的評價;但從接受心理來說,則可稱為全然的英雄,因為他們代表了普遍人心的期望。而《水滸傳》悲劇性格的意義就在於,人生而處處被權力束縛,有其侷限的無奈。而梁山泊好漢對體制的反抗,正彰顯了人追求自由的積極意義,這也是《水滸傳》仍值得深究的價值所在。


盜匪 符號 權力 身體 幸福 正義 水滸傳 忠義


Abstract This thesis attempts to answer the question of whether Liangshanbo outlaws are bandits or heroes as well as why this novel, Outlaws of the Marsh, is considered a tragedy. To answer these two questions, this paper adopts Chinese legitimate reason research and western culture theories to discuss and conclude human nature, power and symbols. This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter I is “Introduction” to explain former study results, motive, purpose, objective, definition of glossary and research methods, etc. Chapter II is “Foundation of Discussions on Cultural Study of Outlaws of the Marsh”. To have a basic understanding of this novel, which has been circulated for more than four hundred years, this chapter explains the view of this thesis on Outlaws of the Marsh from its changes, development and differences of versions; and approves the special characteristics of the novel in between the false and true. Chapter III is “Ethics Interpretation of Outlaws of the Marsh”. The analysis is mainly based on the understandng of “justice” and “happiness” in western ethics. In “justice”, the researcher determines whether the behaviors of characters in Outlaws of the Marsh conform to the social values of enforcing the justice on behalf of the Heaven. In “happiness”, the paper hopes to explore the value judgment of characters in Outlaws of the Marsh in the society to further explain how Liangshanbo goes through from the paradise to collapse like Utopia. Chapter IV is “Body Metaphors in Outlaws of the Marsh”. This chapter adopts western body discussions and compares the body views of Chinese Confucian to examine how body in Outlaws of the Marsh becomes a cultural symbol and is unable to break away from the power. It also discusses the cultural meaning to the body of characters. Based on the power internalization of Michel Foucault, this chapter analyzes the changes of the relation of characters with the government from being forced to Lianshan to accepting amnesty and enlistment. Chapter V is “Meaning of Killing in Outlaws of the Marsh”. This chapter uses interpretation of semiology to interpret and explain “killing” and “genders”, the two controversial issues, and clarify the cruel killing and brutality to immoral women. Description of such killing is important in both promotion of plots and manifestation of character values. Chapter VI reviews the thesis and proposes the conclusions and judgment on the main issue of “heroes—bandits”. Furhermore, it expounds the tragic characteristics from novel plots, reception psychology, and statements of characteristics in Outlaws of the Marsh. The study believes Outlaws of the Marsh expresses the complicated real world and different facets of characteristics. One can not have positive evaluation on whether a Liangshanbo outlaw is a hero or a bandit in the novel. In light of reception psychology, he is a complete hero, as he represents the desire of ordinary people. The meaning of tragic characteristics in Outlaws of the Marsh is lacking of choices when life is bound by power. Liangshanbo outlaws’ fight against the system expresses the aggressive meaning of human nature to seek liberty and freedom. This is the value for in-depth study of Outlaws of the Marsh.


bandits symbols faith and justice Outlaws of the Marsh justice happiness body power




