  • 學位論文


rsearch of Joyce Weng and her novel

指導教授 : 李瑞騰


本論文是以時代為文學背景的經,黃娟所經歷的環境與世界觀為緯,從文本出發梳理出作家的文學創作,及文學思想改變的歷程。 將黃娟的文學創作歷程分為三個時期:一、是六0年代以台灣為題材的小說,用女性作家的角度書寫,呈現本省婦女在封建制度下所受的壓迫,並架構出此時台灣社會現象。二、八0、九0年代的台美文學時期的作品,小說的背景是台美之間,包含台美人在美國社會,現實生活的困境,及台美人關懷台灣人、事、物的兩個部份,透過黃娟的小說以鳟魚返鄉的形式,讓異鄉的台美人,有了精神返鄉的機會。三、是黃娟以回歸者的角度,以個人的生命史為主,創作了「楊梅三部曲」,其小說見證當代台灣的歷史變動,與政治變遷及台灣意識的建立。 以小說主題分析及創作的時代背景,這兩個角度來探討,黃娟小說的內容與思想,並深入瞭解文學與社會互動的關係。將文本的資料蒐集整理,用歸納、比較、分析的方法,深入作品的字裡行間,探討黃娟小說,在不同的時空(台美之間)下,所醞釀產生的作品中,顯露出的人道關懷,及其台灣意識。 黃娟的作品風格是「溫柔婉約」,是「細膩溫馨的感人力量」,閱讀黃娟的作品一直給予人,一種柔和圓潤的感受及溫暖的感動,她隨著自己人生境域的變化,以智慧之眼,善良之心,關注其所處時代的眾生萬相,其實是黃娟是想透過作品,傳達女性的幸福觀,並發揚人性的光明面。在晚期作品中,雖也加入政治議題的探討,擴大了社會的關懷層面,但仍傳承女性追求戀愛與家庭幸福的母題,即使處理「楊梅三部曲」的大歷史事件,仍沒有英雄意識與崇高的形象,維持著婉約的風格,黃娟的小說為我們寫下了過去生活的歷程,不只是時代的見證,也是記憶的追尋。


This thesis is taking era as literature background, and regard Joyce Weng environment and world outlook gone through as latitudes, rely on this, is it happen literary creation of writer to comb to proceed from text, and literature course that thought change. Regard Joyce Weng literary creation course as the main train of thought, create the Joyce Weng novel to divide into three periods: First, it is taking Taiwan as subject matter novel in the sixties , write with angle, women of writer, this woman''s ppression received under the feudalism of province, is the subject matter relying mainly on women''s experience, and the social phenomenon of Taiwan at this moment happens in the structure. Two, 80, works of period of American literature of platform in the 1990s, the background of the novel is between Taiwan and U.S.A, include the beauty of Taiwan in the American society, the predicament of actual life, last, thing, parts of thing and Taiwan beauty,and with Fish''s form of returning to the township, let Taiwan beauty of strange land through Joyce Weng novel, have a chance to return to the township in spirit. Third, Joyce Weng is in order to angle of person who come back to be, and with personal life for main fact history, having created '' the red bayberry trilogy '', the background of its novel witnesses the contemporary Taiwanese historical change, with political changes and setting-up of Taiwan consciousness. Background in the subject analysis of the novel and era created, these two angles probe into the content of the Joyce Weng novel and thought intension, understand the relation that literature interacts with society in depth. And collect and put the materials of the text in order, with the method of summing up, comparing, analysing, the ones that deepened the works probed into the Joyce Weng novel between lines, on different space-time (during Taiwan and U.S.A) Leave, ferment in the works produced, the humanity manifested shows loving care for, and Taiwan consciousness. The Joyce Weng works style is '' gentle and graceful and restrained '', it is the '' fine and smooth and warm touching strength '', read the Joyce Weng works to offer people all the time, a kind of soft and round feeling and warm emotion, she, with the change of the condition in oneself life, with intelligent eyes, kindhearted heart, pay close attention to all living creature ten thousand phase to live in times through her work, transmit happy view of woman, develop the light of the human nature to think while being beautiful in fact. In the works in later period, although join the discussion of the political topic, expanded the care aspects of the society, but still pass women on and pursue the love and family''s happy main question, even deal with the great historical incident of '' the red bayberry trilogy '', do not still have hero''s consciousness and lofty image, is maintaining the graceful and restrained style, Joyce Weng novel write course of life in the past for us, not only witness of times,but also it is the pursuing of memory too.


沈靜萍 ,《百餘年來台灣聘金制度之法律分析----兼談台灣女性法律地位之變遷》 ,台灣大學,法律學研究所,碩士論文,2000年。


吳梅君(2010)。七○年代鄉土文學中的〈台灣意識〉 -以《台灣文藝》小說為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315192731

