  • 學位論文


The Effects of Students’ Cognitive Styles upon Applying Computer Multimedia to Change Statistical Misconceptions

指導教授 : 劉子鍵


過去針對學習者於電腦學習情境下之個別差異探討的研究,大多數為關心學習成效的改善情形,而鮮少探究學習者於使用系統時的學習歷程、思考模式與操作行為等面向上的差異。據此,本研究之目的為:(1)探討不同認知風格的學習者使用互動多媒體系統的學習歷程;並欲進一步瞭解不同的學習歷程,是否會造成學習成效的不同,因此,另一目的為(2)探討不同認知風格的學習者於使用互動多媒體系統後的學習成效。 根據上述研究目的,本研究選取大學生進行大規模(共855名)認知風格量表(Style of Processing Scale, SOP)的施測,並根據量表結果選取符合條件之圖像型與文字型各14名接受實驗處理。透過二階段迷思概念診斷測驗進行前測、後測與延後測結果和放聲思考取得學習歷程資料,在實驗結束後立即進行半結構式的訪談,以完整地蒐集學習者操作過程中已描述但較不完整的想法,最後,再根據蒐集到的資料進行分析與整理。 本研究結果發現:(1)兩組在學習歷程「閱讀與處理訊息」、「思考」與「操作與觀察圖形」的方式等三方面有差異;(2)在閱讀與處理訊息的方式方面,文字型在回饋區獲得的協助多於圖像型;(3)在思考方式上,大部分圖像型傾向將文字轉換成圖像作思考;(4)在操作與觀察圖形上,圖像型傾向自我導向式的操作,文字型則是一步一步地遵循教學引導進行操作;(5)學習成效上,兩組僅在延後測的迷思概念達顯著差異,而在前、後測的迷思概念,與三個測驗階段的概念理解兩組皆無顯著差異。 綜合歸納,不同認知風格的學習者顯現出不同的學習歷程,而在學習成效方面卻無太大的差異。結果顯示不同認知風格學習者皆有其特殊的學習方式,而且,此不同的學習方式對不同認知風格學習者而言,皆能夠有效地提升其學習成效。


Computer multimedia is seen as a good tool to help students, by integrating the diagram and text representations, to change their statistical misconceptions. However, students’ cognitive style may influence their statistical learning with computer multimedia. Therefore, the current study focused on students’ differences in learning processes created by different cognitive styles (verbalizer and imager), and compared the effects made on their statistical misconceptions through the aid of the computer multimedia. According to results from the large scale of Style of Processing Scale, twenty eight undergraduates with different cognitive styles (imagers and verbalizers) were selected as the participants in this study. The diagnostic test and its equivalent forms were applied in the pretest, the post-test and the delayed post-test to investigate the variation in participants’ misconceptions. The learning process data were collected by think-aloud method and a semi-structure interview was conducted after the experiment. The results displayed that students with different cognitive styles indeed have differences in their learning processes while learning with computer multimedia. Besides, both imagers and verbalizers can effectively reduce their statistical misconceptions and promote their correct concept understanding by learning with computer multimedia.


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