  • 學位論文


A study of Zun Qian Lyrics Collection

指導教授 : 李國俊


宋詞的繁榮興盛,與唐五代文人詞的發展有密切關係。《尊前集》收錄了盛唐至五代共三十六位詞家的創作,時代場域廣泛、題材豐富多樣,呈現了唐五代文人多采的生活樣貌。但此集之編撰者與編撰時代卻是學界討論不休的問題,本文以「《尊前集》彊村叢書本」為研究對象,整理歷代詩話及相關研究對《尊前集》成書源流之論述,試圖尋求一較為可信之評價。 並藉由分析三十六位尊前詞人的作品特色,將全集共二百八十九闋詞以主題分類,以彰顯其特殊之處。而後確定《尊前集》所收錄之詞作題材廣泛,包含淺斟低唱的兒女情愛、傷春悲秋的低迴感嘆、離別羈旅的懷念不捨,以及歌詠自然景物、懷古詠史、抒發政治理想和對邊塞漁村風光的描寫等等,兼具婉約與豪放之美。如此方得完整認識《尊前集》,理解其價值在於全面性地保存了詞體演進的脈絡,從初期的小令走向逐漸成熟的詞風,為宋詞及後世創作提供了多樣化的佳句美文和藝術經驗。


唐五代 文人詞 尊前集


The prosperity of Song Dynasty Lyrics had a really close relationship with the development of lyrics from the Tang Dynasty through the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Zun Qian Lyrics Collection is a collection of lyric works by 36 poets in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Created over a very long period of time, these works were rich in their choices of subjects and themes, which showed the great variety of lifestyles among the literary figures of those times. However, when it comes to who compiled the collection and when it was completed, there have been great controversies among critics in this field. Based on the Qian-Chun edition, my dissertation aims to seek a more authentic credit for the Zun Qian literary lyrics collection by reviewing past commentaries and studies on its origins and compilation. By analyzing the characteristics of the works of the 36 poets, I categorize the 289 lyrics into distinctive groups. Lyrics collected in Zun Qian literary lyrics collection have a wide range of subjects and themes. They include whispers of love between young lovers, odes to the changes of seasons, reluctance to wander the world, joyful appreciation of the natural beauty, reflections upon the old days, expressions of political ideals and even descriptions of the scenery of the faraway borders or fishing villages. Some are graceful and restrained while others are passionate and outspoken. With these in mind, we can then truly understand the Zun Qian literary lyrics collection, realize that its value lies in successfully preserving the tradition of song lyric writing which was initiated by very short lyrics and gradually developed into the sophisticated ones, offering an abundance of beautiful lines and artistic experiences to the Song Dynasty and the following generations.



