  • 學位論文


A Research on Exploratory Business Model:Construction and Application of a Simulation Platform on Bayesian Network

指導教授 : 蔡明宏


當經營模式的活動越多,活動間的影響關係越複雜,使瞭解經營模式的內涵成為一件困難的事,而經營模式中的活動更是難以操弄。故本研究嘗試以因果脈絡圖來分析經營模式,以更簡化和視覺化的方式來呈現經營模式,進一步操弄這些經營活動元件。研究過程使用Nvivo分析軟體輔助紮根分析過程,並利用Pajek軟體繪出經營元件因果脈絡圖,最後透過BayesiaLab軟體進行有經營模式的分析。 本研究探討以開創機會為主軸的經營活動(探勘型企業)如何透過標竿學習其他具有堅強探勘實力的企業經營模式,以強化本身追求長期獲利潛力之能耐。透過建立一個具有紮根基礎的模擬試驗平台,可模擬試驗經營模式創新的各種可能狀況,進而透過BayesiaLab軟體的輔助,觀察標竿學習為企業帶來的幫助,以及各種情境下扮演關鍵角色的經營活動為何,以分析創新改善的成果。


併用 骨幹 樞軸 伺服 因果脈絡圖 經營模式 探勘 開採


As a company engages in more and more business activities, relations amongst these activities tend to get increasingly complicated. In order to explore the connotations underlying these activities, the research aims to construct an experimental platform to manipulate causal maps and simulate Bayesian Networks built upon elements representing corresponding business activities. Through this platform, the research hopes to explore the ways in which an exploratory organization can further enhance her exploratory activities for better market opportunities, as well as to identify the business elements which pose the greatest effect on market opportunities. The research adopts a qualitative and quantitative approach to gain better understanding of the casual relationships among these business elements. The qualitative part of this research includes grounded coding of the interview transcripts, construction of causal maps using elements extracted through grounded coding, and finally structural analysis of the casual maps. The software utilized are Nvivo, Pajek and Ucinet. The quantitative part of this research includes construction of Bayeisan Networks from the causal maps, and simulation of the degree of causal influence among the business elements. The software utilized is BayesiaLab. This research has proposed a 16-grid typology which serves possible directions for innovative improvement of the target company. The research has also constructed core element frameworks suited for exploitative, exploratory and ambidextrous organizations respectively.


BayesiaLab Pajek Nvivo


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