  • 學位論文


Approaching the Community from its Activities and Religious Features: Study on the Cihuitang Temple of Jung-Li City in Northwestern Taiwan

指導教授 : 呂玫鍰


慈惠堂信仰在台發展將近六十年,吸引眾多人們成為母娘的契子女。本研究將以社群研究作為理論基礎,探討慈惠堂信仰作為一個宗教社群的同時,其參與者的歸屬感以及認同感之情形。筆者希冀對慈惠堂信仰的研究,能夠為新興宗教提供不同思考的新方向。研究地點上,擇以中壢慈惠堂透過組織活動、信仰服裝以及族群關係等面向進行深入探討,以能夠確切的對宗教社群有著全面性的掌握與理解。 本研究發現,宗教社群內部的信眾藉以健全的組織和多樣性宗教活動,使得信眾能夠在參與廟宇活動時候,提升對於自我信仰的認同感。其次則是「青衣」服裝具有提高參與者對慈惠堂內部的歸屬感,無論是內部信眾之間、或是透過與非信眾的比較,都顯示宗教服裝是增強參與者對宗教社群認同感的重要元素。最後,田野期間對族群關係的發現,參與者藉由共同的信仰,使得彼此之間外在的族群差異性降低了,同時也受到了共同宗教經驗和宗教活動的影響之下,進而降低了族群差異性以及族群刻板印象,達到了宗教社群更加融洽的一面。


族群關係 慈惠堂 母娘 社群研究 青衣


The belief in Cihuitang has developed almost 60 years and attracted many people to become Mu-niang’s sons or daughters. In this thesis, “the Community Research” is the basic theory to discuss the sense of belonging and identity to the religious group- Cihuitang. Through this study of Cihuitang, I hope I could provide a new thought concerning new religions for the folklorists. Therefore, I regard Cihutang in Jung-Li as a field site and as a religious community. In order to understand this religious groups as a whole, I will approach this community in terms of its organization, communal activities, religious clothing and the relationship with other temples. Because of healthy organization and various activities, this thesis investigates one thing that these religionists in the group increase the sense of identity for their belief when they join the temple activities. The second thing is the acquirement of “the blue clothing”. The foregoing makes the sense of belonging about Cihutang. Compared the inside religionists with outside religionists, these religious dressing is one of the most important elements for the sense of identity. Finally, I discovered that the difference of group relation is lower because joiners have the same religion and affected by the same religion experience and activities. Furthermore, religious group lower the difference and also shows a more harmonious aspect.


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