  • 學位論文


Visuality, Genre, and Narrative in The Matrix

指導教授 : 林文淇




The Matrix trilogy is about mankind’s revolutions against the hegemony of technology. Subversive political messages against technology and current capitalist system are abundant in the trilogy. However, the trilogy itself is the very product of the most advanced technology of Hollywood cinema, a giant capitalist system. Therefore, the complex relationship between humanity and technology along with the political messages are the aims of this thesis. Starting with the visuality in the trilogy, this thesis demonstrates how the pastiches of popular culture elements are achieved by advanced technology. And The Matrix trilogy as a cyberpunk work in the late nineties fuses traditional American cyberpunk with Japanese cyberpunk. This notion of fusion is also demonstrated in the narrative structure of the trilogy. Given the narrative structure of a classical Western, the trilogy relies on a composite hero, who has qualities from the opposite sides, to solve the ideological conflicts. Besides the conflicts between mankind and technology, the conflicts between humanity and capitalism are also solved by Neo the composite hero. Therefore, The Matrix trilogy provides no escape from the matrix of technology and capitalism.


The Matrix visuality capitalism Western cyberpunk


廖勇超, 從頹敗之城到豐饒之都:淺談《攻殼機動隊》二部曲中亞洲城市影像的文化轉譯卅義. 2006中外文學
Danahay, Martin and Rieder, David. “The Matrix, Marx, and the Coppertop’s Life”
Lancelin, Aude. “Interview with Jean Baudrillard.” Trans. Gary Genosko and Adam Bryx. Le Nouvel Observateur. 5 May 2005
English Sources:
Subject and Mapping Cyberspace in the Wachowski Brothers’ Film The Matrix,”


