  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship between Japanese Learning Strategy Use and Learning Achievement in JFL Students

指導教授 : 林信榕


摘 要 本研究探討非日語專攻的學習者之日語策略使用樣貌,及與學習成就的關聯。研究對象為選修日語課程的北台灣的大學生,人數共為129名,為初級I班與初級II班學習者。量化之研究工具改編自Oxford (1990)的SILL(Strategy Inventory for Language Learning)學習策略問卷量表,經由探索性因素分析重新獲得八種學習策略分類。本研究旨在了解在一學期當中,學習階段(初級I班與初級II班)、性別造成日語學習策略使用差異,此外,於教學中加入Lang-8語言學習交流平台,使用半淨相關複迴歸分析確認學習策略、Lang-8語言學習交流平台與學習成就間,單一自變項與依變項的關係,最後檢視學習策略與平台使用能預測學習成效的因子。於質性研究上,除每週進行學習策略的個別訪談外、並於期末針對兩班學習成就前10%與後10%學習者的策略使用進行焦點訪談。研究結果發現,學習者的確會隨著不同學習階段改變學習策略的使用,在班級間的比較上,初級II班比初級I班使用更多工具運用策略。初級I班使用記憶結合管理學習策略與認知策略頻率最高、而初級II班使用認知策略之頻率最高。女生在所有策略使用頻率上平均高於男生,在尋求口語練習機會策略上達到兩班顯著差異。在初級I班的期中階段,男、女在自我監控與延伸學習策略使用上達到顯著差異。經由半淨複迴歸分析的結果得知,初級I班,在其他變項受到統計控制的情況下,三個自變項到顯著。分別為記憶結合學習管理策略(單獨解釋10.5% 的變異量)、Lang-8語言學習交流平台策略(單獨解釋6.2 % 的變異量)、尋求實踐機會策略(單獨解釋3.7%的變異量);初級II班,有三個自變項達到顯著分別為Lang-8語言學習交流平台策略(單獨解釋9.2 % 的變異量)、自我監控與延伸學習策略(單獨解釋6.4 % 的變異量)、補償策略(單獨解釋5.4 % 的變異量)。最後,使用逐步多元迴歸檢定,找出能預測初級I班的學習成就之預測因子有三個,分別為記憶結合學習管理策略、Lang-8語言學習交流平台策略、尋求實踐機會策略;初級II班的學習成就預測因子有兩個,分別為Lang-8語言學習交流平台策略、自我監控與延伸學習策略。訪談結果發現,初級I班學習者著重在記憶策略的使用;初級II班逐 漸使用更多特定領域的策略,並轉移到自我監控與延伸學習、補償策略的使用。高學習成就者比低學習成就者使用更多自我監控策略、且尋求更多語言實踐的機會策略。


Abstract This paper investigated the role that language learning stages played in the learning strategies employed by non-major Japanese language students, and explored the correlation between strategy use and achievement. Participants were students enrolled in elective Japanese language courses at a university in Northern Taiwan. Two different learning stages (level 1 beginners and level 2 beginners) were included, for a total of 129 university students. Questionnaires were based on a revised version of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) from Oxford (1990). The 8-factor model from the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was produced. This study explored the strategies used between the two classes and within the two classes during one semester. Besides, Lang-8 Learning Communicative Platform Strategy was employed in this instruction. Semi-partial correlation analysis was used in understanding the unique relationships between independent variables (8 models of strategies and Lang-8 Learning Communicative Platform Strategy) and a dependent variable (achievement) when many independents are analyzed simultaneously. The results showed that students’ learning strategies differed by learning stage and changed in frequency of use over the course of the semester. Level 2 beginners were more likely to employ Tool Use Strategy than level 1 beginners. The level 1 class used Memory and Learning Management Strategy and Cognitive Strategy with the highest frequency. Cognitive Strategy was used with high frequency by the level 2 beginners. The mean of Female students use more strategies than male students. Female students in two classes would be more likely to use Oral Practice Strategies than male students during one semester. In level 1 beginners class, females significantly surpassed males in their use of Self-Monitoring and Learning Extension Strategy. In this semi-partial correlation analysis, the single explained variance of Memory and Learning Management Strategy was 10.5%, Lang-8 Learning Communicative Platform Strategy was 6.2%, and Seeking Opportunities for Learning Strategy was 3.7% for the level 1 beginners class, while controlling for the effects of all other independent variables, level 2 beginners showed the single explained variance of Lang-8 Learning Communicative Platform Strategy was 9.2%, Self-Monitoring and Learning Extension Strategy was 6.4%, Compensation Strategy was 5.4%. Stepwise regression was employed to discover LLS predictors related to achievement. Significant predictors were found for each class. Memory and Learning Management Strategy, Seeking Opportunities for Learning Strategy, Lang-8 Learning Communicative Platform Strategy were significant predictors for the level 1 beginners class, while Lang-8 Learning Communicative Platform Strategy, Self-Monitoring and Learning Extension Strategy were predictors for achievement in the level 2 beginners’ class. Interview results indicated that level 1 beginners focused on the strategy use of memory, while level 2 beginners developed more strategies of Self-Monitoring and Learning Extension Strategy, and Compensation Strategy. High achievement learners used more Self-Monitoring and Learning Extension Strategy, Seeking Opportunities for Learning Strategy than lower achievement learners.


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