

民國77年1月1日起不再凍結旅行業執照,開放旅行業執照申請,同時增設綜合旅行社。台灣旅遊業務迅速發展,旅行社的結構產生很大的變化,大型的旅行社(綜合)應運而生。綜合旅行社加入旅遊市場的同時,面臨的不是資金問題,而是人才,因此旅行業形成了人員出走及搶人大戰. 為因應 F公司員工流動之難題,本研究經由分析,尋找並設計留住優秀人才、擴展業務之解決方案。全案從員工激勵、訂定優厚配股、認股、資產分割政策等四個面向進行研究、分析。本研究所提出的規劃,涵蓋了運用溝通、獎懲、激勵滿足企業員工的各種需要,吸引優秀的人才到企業來;制定員工參與計劃,吸引員工入股意願;藉由公司資產分割(Spin-offs)以利於員工入股,留住人才;訂定產業界人士入股機制,藉重其本身資源擴展業務。 F公司資本額雖然只有壹仟捌佰萬,但擁有三個辦公室的不動產,資產早已超越資本額的八倍,如果員工入股,持股比例必定微小,無法吸引員工入股意願。因此,藉由資產分割成立子公司,將不動產以外的旅遊相關營運或事業部門全數分割出去而由獨立的子公司概括承受,而新公司資本額捌佰萬即可設立完成,配合員工參與計劃,協助員工成為新公司股東。


In Taiwan, there was a deregulation for the tourism industry in 1988. Applications for travel agency license that have long been suspended was lifted, and a new category, namely, consolidated travel agencies, was established. This resulted a rapid growth in the tourism industry, and many large scale agencies capable of handling complicated cases started to be founded. Hence, the critical problem faced by travel agents talent retaining, coping with personnel turnover, rather than financial. This study proposes a plan to deal with the problem of staff turnover for Company F, not only to resolve the current problem, but also to fuel future business expansion. The study started out with the perspectives of motivation, placement, and spin-offs policy. The proposal covers the use of rewards, incentives, share option and allotment, to meet the various needs of current employees, as well as to attract high potential talents to join the enterprise. A reorganization of the enterprise through spin-off becomes a core to facilitate the distribution of shares. While the book value of equity for Company F is merely one thousand eight hundred million, it owns real estates eight times of the book value. As such, any distribution of share will amount to an insignificant portion of the company, and will not be attractive for staffs to subscribe shares. Therefore, by the establishment of a subsidiary via spinning-off, the travel-related operations, to separate from the real estates, the new business entity spun off will start out with a much lower equity of eight million. In line with employee participation program, employees will become the shareholders of the new company.


Motivation Employee Involvement Spin-offs Carve out


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