  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


半導體產業中,冷卻水塔扮演者維持正常生產環境之重要機械設備,主要用於散熱冷卻為目的之水冷卻裝置。為廠務四大系統之一,其系統原理為利用幫浦將水回收後壓入塔頂,使其流下或由灑水頭噴出,與經由鰭片進入塔內的空氣進行接觸後,產生熱交換並釋放熱能,最後冷卻於塔底,再供應至所需設備,如冰水主機、無塵室空調等。若未定期進行清洗及檢查各項設備之功能正常性,則容易造成細菌孳生及散熱不良等問題,進而導致影響生產。 冷卻水塔年度之清洗及檢查,各半導體廠皆外包予專業清洗廠商,而廠商對於清洗人員的派遣皆依據經驗來安排,較缺乏以系統化、科學化之分析做整體考量,易造成清洗人員排班不均,並有失公平原則。有鑑於此,本研究為解決上述問題,故利用數學線性0-1整數規劃技巧,針對清洗人員派遣所需要之需求及限制條件進行設定,規劃出一套適合人力派遣最佳化之數學整數規劃模式,再利用LINGO12.0套裝軟體進行求解。除可達到清洗人員公平派遣之目的,也可幫助決策者進行更有效率的排班規劃,更可因數量條件之不同或限制條件改變,來進行參數調整設定,迅速地重新規劃清洗人員之派遣。


Cooling tower plays a role of important equipment to maintain the normal production environment in semiconductor industry. It’s a water-cooling device that mainly used for heat-sink cooling. Principles of the system is to recycle water with pump before pressing in the top of tower, then contacting the air entered the tower through fins to produce heat exchange and release thermal energy, and finally cooling at the bottom of tower to supply necessary equipments, such as water chilling unit and clean room air conditioner, etc. If the tower is not regularly cleaned and inspected, it will cause the problems of poor heat dissipation and germs breeding. All semiconductor plants always contract professional cleaning manufacturers for yearly cleaning and inspection of cooling tower. However, these manufacturers arrange cleaning personnel dispatching without comprehensively considering systematic and scientific analysis in accordance with experiences, which will be easy to cause cleaning personnel’s uneven work scheduling and may be unfair. In light of this, this study adopted liner 0-1integer programming aiming at dispatch requirement and limitation of cleaning personnel for setting and planning a set of mathematical integer programming mode suitable for optimized labor dispatching, and use LINGO12.0 software package for the solution. It will not only achieve fair dispatching of cleaning personnel and assist decision maker to plan more efficient work scheduling, but also adjust parameter setting based on different quantity condition or changed limiting condition to promptly reschedule dispatching of cleaning personnel.




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