  • 學位論文


An Empirical Analysis of Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students in Remote Areas in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉錦龍


本研究旨在探討影響我國偏遠地區國民中學學生學習成效之相關因素,以中央研究院人社中心調查研究中心「學術調查研究資料庫」(簡稱SRDA資料庫)於2014年釋出行政院國家科學委員會補助甄曉蘭教授所執行「偏遠地區國民中小學教育資料建置與教育生態分析研究」之專題研究計畫為研究基礎,其研究範圍包括臺灣及離島地區的偏遠國中與一般國中,並採用普通最小平方法(Ordinary Least Squares,簡稱OLS)計量迴歸估計方法進行研究分析,致力找出影響偏遠地區與一般地區國中學生學習成效之相關因素,研究結果可供教育相關單位制定教育政策與推動實務及未來相關研究之建議。 本研究析言之,依實證結果顯示偏遠地區數學科與語文科暑期課業輔導時數增加,則會對學生學習成效為正相關的影響;一般地區學校增加平日數學科與語文科上課時數,則會提升學生學習成效;教師任教年資的提升與師生比例提高,皆有助於提升學生的學習成效,並有效縮短與一般地區學校之差距。另外,也針對現行教育經費的用途進行探討,若未來能將教育經費直接運用於提升學生學習成效之處,並且持續關心學生學習成效,則將能因地制宜地把教育經費進行妥善運用與分配,以供偏遠地區國中提昇學生學習成效之參考。


This purpose of this study aims to discuss related factors on learning outcomes of junior high school students in remote areas in Taiwan on the basis of “The Research on Rural Middle School’s Database Construction and Education Ecology Analysis” released by Survey Research Data Archive (SRDA) of Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences in Academia Sinica in Taiwan, including general and remote junior high school in outlying islands and Taiwan. The study uses regression estimation method of ordinary least squares (OLS) for measurement of research and analysis. The research results can serve as references for further studies and as suggestions of revisions in the agenda, formulation and implementation of policy. The result reveals that the increase of hours of tutoring in math and languages during summer vacation in remote areas has positive correlation on students’ learning. The increase of daily hours of math and languages in general areas’ school will promote students’ learning effects. The increase of tenure of teaching and teacher-pupil ratio will promote students’ learning effects. Besides, education finance can be used directly into promoting students’ learning effect, especially for students in remote areas.


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12.張芳全(2006),影響數學成就因素探討:以台灣在TIMSS 2003 年的樣本為例,課程與教學季刊,9(3),139-167。
