

錢學森是享譽中外的傑出科學家。他留學美國期間師從航空領域的奇才—馮.卡門,深獲其賞識。後來,錢學森成為美國國防軍事機密,尖端武器研發計畫的靈魂人物,也是美國最早期的彈道導彈、火箭,以及巡弋飛彈的催生者之一。 1950年,錢學森被懷疑在美國參加了共產黨組織,被監禁半個月。錢學森在美國十五年建立的地位和影響力,全部毀於一旦,而且錢學森全家受到情治機關的監視。錢學森透過管道,表達回到中國大陸的意願。1955年中、美政府長達幾個月的日內瓦雙邊會談後,美國釋放錢學森,用以交換在韓戰中被中共俘虜的美國飛行員。 錢學森回到中國大陸後,致力於航空工業的發展,得到毛澤東、周恩來、聶榮臻等中共領導人的支持。帶領中共導彈、火箭等航天工程的發展,雖遭逢「三面紅旗」、「文化大革命」等運動影響,但錢學森仍然堅持科研方面的努力,完成東風系列的各型導彈和人造衛星的研發工作,做出了開拓性的貢獻。中共實現強國之夢,錢學森功不可沒。錢學森也被譽為「中國航天之父」、「中國導彈之父」。


錢學森 周恩來 聶榮臻 東風導彈


Qian Xuesen was a renowned scientist. When receiving his education in USA, he was under the guidance of Theodore von Kármánn, an outstanding expert in astronautics and aeronautics, who had given Qian Xuesen his praise. Then Qian Xuesen became the core scientist in the classified military research program on high-end weaponry, and he was also one of the makers of the preliminary development of ballistic missiles, rockets, and cruise missiles in USA. In 1950, Qian Xuesen was suspected of joining Communist organization in USA and was consequently held in custody for half a month. Qian Xuesen’s established reputation and influence obtained through fifteen years of working in USA, was destroyed. Moreover, Qian Xuesen’s whole family was under surveillance by US intelligent agency. Qian Xuesen expressed his will of returning to China through personal channel. In 1955, USA released Qian Xuesen to trade some American pilots held hostages by People's Republic of China in Korean War after months of bilateral talks in Geneva. Qian Xuesen devoted himself in developing aerospace industry, and earned supports from Chinese leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and Nie Rongzhen. He led China to develop the aerospace engineering of missiles and rockets. Although it was effected by Three Red Flags and Cultural Revolution, Qian Xuesen’s insistent effort in scientific research made a pioneering contribution to the completion of Dongfeng missiles and satellite launch. China’s dream of returning to world power must credit Qian Xuesen, who was named the father of China aerospace industry and the father of China missile.


羅德里克.麥克法夸爾、沈邁克(Roderick MacFarquhar, Michael Schoenhals),《毛東的最後革命》(Mao’s Last Revolution)。新北市:左岸出版社,2009年。
力平、馬芷蓀主編,《周恩來年譜1949-1976》 。北京:中央文獻出版社,2003年。
中共黨史人物研究會編,胡華主編(1-50),王淇、陳志凌主編(51-85) ,《中共黨史人物傳》。北京:中共黨史出版社,2010年。

