  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 賴景義




混接面 B-rep 孔洞特徵辨識


The purpose of feature recognition is for the pre-processing of the CAE analysis. In the beginning of the analysis, various types of features must be recognized, in order to it can generate meshes of high density. The feature recognition can also be used to simplify the features, so as to build high quality meshes. Some geometric features, such as holes, fillets, ribs and chamfers are one of the key factors affecting the quality and accuracy in finite element analysis. This study focuses on the recognition of various kinds of holes. Particularly, a blend face recognition algorithm is added to deal with the cases with fillets at the boundary. Meanwhile, various kinds of holes are classified and the associated data for each of them are recorded. This research presents an approach based on the B-rep model for the recognition of holes. It can replace traditional manual work significantly, and hence improve the efficiency of meshes generation in the CAE analysis. Several realistic CAD models are employed to verify the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.


Blend face B-rep Hole feature recognition


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