  • 學位論文


Investigating the process of eighth-grade Taiwanese students' reading scientific article enhanced by computer simulation of Physics

指導教授 : 劉晨鐘


數十年來,許多科學教育相關研究認為電腦模擬(computer simulation) 能被有效地應用在科學學習與教學活動中,來提昇學生對於探討自然與真實世界的經驗、興趣與動機利用電腦模擬除了能將科學現象中抽象化的概念轉變為視覺化的教學材料外,也能協助學生進行模擬的科學實驗操作,讓學生在科學學習的過程中,不再被動地在教學活動中獲取科學概念或知識。隨著電腦模擬的技術的不斷的精進,科學教育越來越重視以活動的方式來進行教學、建構知識,已經有許多的研究嘗試導入電腦模擬系統,來進行探討於教育現場的教學,讓學生從觀察自然現象之後操作電腦模擬系統,讓學習者從過去被動的吸收知識轉變為主動學習,並抽象的概念轉換為較簡單較具體的圖像顯示出來,讓學生可以跟真實情境做相關連結,學習者可以更容易學習科學概念與科學原理。 本研究的研究對象為台北市某國民中學八年級三個班級的學生,三個班級的自然科教師均為同一個人,三個班級的程度相當,三個班級的學生均尚未學習過浮力相關課程;三個班級共計58位學生參與實驗活動的進行,實驗活動將學生分成兩組,A組為30人同時給予科學文章及科學模擬,B組為28人先讓學生操作科學模擬在進行文章閱讀。 研究結果發現學生在同時給予模擬與文章閱讀的組別中,在操作模擬時是比較有策略性的去操作,為了要驗證學文章中所讀到的科學概念,將文章中抽象的概念,自己利用科學模擬系統,將之轉換為較具體的樣式呈現。在先讓學生操作模擬再進行閱讀的組中,學生在操作科學模擬時是比較沒有策略性的,因為沒有科學文章的引導,學生變成自己要試著去嘗試不同的變因、不同的變數,所以在這一組當中學生操作模擬的次數會比較多。


Over the past few decades, many researches of Science Education think that applying computer simulation to science learning and teaching activities is effective. In order to improve experience and motivation of observing natural and real world for student, we use computer simulation can not only convert abstract concept of science phenomena to visual teaching material, but also assist student to progress operations of science experiment. Thus, this way can make student active learning from personal experience, instead of learning concept and knowledge of science passively. With computer simulation makes unceasing progress, Science Education get more and more attention on teaching and constructing knowledge by used activity way. There are many research try to add computer simulation system to investigate education on the spot teaching. The purpose is making student operate computer simulation system after observing natural; making student become active learning from passive absorb knowledge and converting abstract concept to easier and more concreter image to present; finally making student connect the knowledge to real situation in order to let learning more effective and easier. The experiment subjects of this research is student from three class of junior high school first year in Taipei whose science teacher is the same. In addition, students are in the same science level and have yet to learn the buoyancy relevant course. There are 58 students in three class as our experiment subjects. Experiment classify experiment subjects into two categories, Group A, 30 students, provide science article and science stimulation at the same time; and Group B, 28 students, make they operate science simulation in advance then reading science article. In the result of research, we found Group A have strategic operation when they use the computer simulation system. In order to authenticate the science concept which is learned from the article, they use computer simulation system to convert the abstract concept of article to more concrete presentation. Vice versa, Group B doesn’t have strategic operation when they use the computer simulation system. Because they don’t have the guide of science article, they must to try various variables many times during using computer simulation system.


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