  • 學位論文


Study of a human eye model and the human-factor lighting

指導教授 : 孫慶成 陳怡君


現今白光LED因其節能優勢已逐漸成為照明世界的主流,但由於其單位面積下的高效輸出與嶄新的光譜,除了為人類帶來前所未有的視覺感受,同時也引起相關人因方面的疑慮。為因應這股新潮流,此論文將以人眼視覺為出發點,再以此為基礎接續照明環境的探討。人眼眼球模型的建構即是此論文首先達到的成果,其幾何與介質參數均採用生物醫學統計資料,並且完成了視覺靈敏度、色差以及散射行為等驗證。為探討虹膜在人眼中所扮演的角色,其反射頻譜接續為研究重點之一。對此,虹膜研究引入了成像系統與共焦系統來作為量測的平台,除了比較兩者之優劣外,也校正出真實虹膜反射頻譜,而其頻譜成果更引入眼球模型做雜散光的分析。 充分掌握視覺科學以及眼球計算平台後,本論文著手進入人眼與周圍光環境之間的交互作用。在戶外照明之人因評估上,除了介紹失能眩光、其公式演進以及相關道路法規建議以外,後續研究的主要內容包含眩光表現的視覺模擬、不同色溫之白光LED對視覺靈敏度帶來的影響以及白光LED路燈眩光的探討。在室內照明之人因評估上,除了對不適眩光做更深入之介紹外,亦會建構其計算平台並與失能眩光之間的關係做比較與討論。而現今逐漸流行的LED燈管,亦在此與室內照明最常用的傳統日光燈管做不適眩光效應之比較,且根據相同視覺舒適度推算得到LED燈管的建議尺寸。此論文最後探討室內照明之光譜與人體之間的交互作用,尤其是現今最常用於室內照明的螢光燈管與白光LED之光譜。期待藉由上述研究之成果,此論文能夠在健康照明的領域上提出相關建議與貢獻。


White LED has become one of the most popular luminaires nowadays. However, the high density of lumen output and new spectrum from LEDs not only bring human beings new visual sensations but also safety concerns. In accordance with the new trend, this research starts from the study of human vision and then the interaction with the lighting environment. The human eye model is first constructed in this thesis, where the geometric parameters and refractive indices are adopted from the biometric data. The visual acuity, chromatic dispersion, and ocular scattering behaviors of the eye model are also verified. The iris is then the next topic to analyze its contribution in ocular scattering. The spectral reflectance of iris is measured by an imaging system and a confocal system. The comparisons between the two systems as well as the calibrated spectral reflectance are obtained. Then the iris reflectance is incorporated into the eye model for straylight analysis. After knowing well about the visual behaviors, the thesis handles the interaction between the human eye and lighting environment. In the field of outdoor lighting, the thesis first introduces the disability glare formula and the recommendation of road lighting, and then shows some studies such as visual image simulation with glare sources, the influence on visual acuity by varied CCT lighting, and the glare effect from LED-based street lamps. In the field of interior lighting, the thesis introduces the discomfort glare and develops a calculation platform. The studies here include building a transfer function between disability glare and discomfort glare, assessing the discomfort glare of fluorescent lamps and white LED tubes, and revealing their affecting levels to human circadian rhythms. Finally, according to the research outcomes, the thesis is anticipated to contribute the field of human factors lighting.


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