  • 學位論文

客家社區培力與環境教育推動之研究 -以龍潭三和社區為例

Promotion of Empowerment and Environmental Education in Hakka Communities - A Case Study of Sanhe Community in Longtan

指導教授 : 陳定銘


三洽水是一個典型的客家庄農村,包含三和及三水兩里,三和社區屬於三和里,社區內有多條河流的發源地,霄裡溪的源頭也發源於此,除了形成河階地形外,也有許多河谷、丘陵以及台地的地區,造就此地的自然生態資源相當豐富,也因客家聚落於此產生,在舊地名方面就有與客家相關之處,三洽水中的洽就是客家語河流匯集的意思。三和社區早期為和平的族群融合之地,社區居民大多為客家人,而平埔族早已融入在客庄聚落裡,因此本地具有豐富的社區資產。 本研究採用質性研究方法,根據文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談來做深入調查,研究結果發現社區發展環境教育的特色有社區自然環境、人文特色、課程方案、以及相關經營規劃。本研究的個案有豐富的人文背景與地理環境,結合客家產業的米食文化,在過去積極參與政府政策,社造經驗豐富,奠定了農村發展環境教育得天獨厚的優勢,經由在地的第三部門與公私部門共同合作,營造社區,活化農村,更於2012年7月取得環境教育設施場所認證,成為全國第一家具有濃厚客庄風味的社區型環境教育場域。此外透過相關的活動如客家桐花祭與環境教育課程來成功行銷三和農庄社區,社區近年更向外參加社區評鑑與國家環境教育評鑑,並獲取佳績,更打響社區知名度。 三洽水環境教育中心營運狀況大致良好,惟囿於環境教育課程的人數限制、固定的課程方案較難吸引參訪機構再次光臨,加上產業並無固定行銷以維持社區的收入、社區內工廠排放廢水汙染等問題尚待解決,因此課程的的修改與相關的經營管理,為三洽水環境教育中心未來繼續努力的方向,也是社區永續發展的目標。


Sanqiashui is a typical Hakka farming village and consists of two neighborhoods, Sanhe and Sanshui. The Sanhe community is part of the Sanhe neighborhood and home to the sources of several rivers, including the Xiaoli River. Apart from river terraces, it also boasts many river valleys, hills and plateaus, contributing to its rich natural and ecological resources and the establishment of this Hakka settlement. Its name ‘Sanqiashui’ is related to the Hakka and the ‘qia’ in it means ‘river confluence’ in the Hakka language. The community has rich community assets because it began as a peaceful place known for ethnic fusion where the majority of its population were Hakka and the Pingpu peoples had become part of the Hakka settlement very early on. This study was a qualitative research using literature review, participant observation and in-depth interviewing for in-depth investigation. The results show that the community’s approach to the development of environmental education features its natural environment, characteristics of different cultures in it, education programs and related operational planning. The subject of study boasts rich cultural backgrounds and geographical settings, which together with the rice culture promoted by the local Hakka industry and its rich experience with active participation in government policies and community building have laid the foundation for the exceptional advantage for its development of environmental education as a farming village. The community has a local third party organization that collaborates with the public and private sectors on community development and farming village revitalization. In July, 2012, it obtained the certification for environmental education facilities and locations and became Taiwan’s first community-based environmental education locale imbued with the flavor of a Hakka village. In addition, it has also been successfully marketing the Sanhe farming village and community by organizing activities such as the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival and environmental education programs. In recent years, it has further established its reputation by participating in external community assessments and national environmental education assessments and achieving great results. The Sanqiashui Environmental Education Center operates fairly well, but has a few challenges, which are described as follows. Its environmental education programs allow limited numbers of participants and the fixed programs have difficulty attracting visitor groups to return. Moreover, the local Hakka industry does not have fixed marketing campaigns to maintain the community’s revenue stream and there is the problem of pollution from industrial wastewater to be solved. Therefore, adjustment of education programs and related operations management are the direction for the center’s future efforts and the community’s goal for sustainable development.


